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Thread: The Bulldawg Kaboomed

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Central MN


    If you are using a single stage press I use a loading block and charge the cases and put them in the block. Most handgun loads the powder charge will fill most of the case. A simple look at the cases in the block should show any discrepancies in the amount of powder in each case. I give the block a visual check and go from there.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by melissa5 View Post
    Have you guys ever not gotten the mag seated all the way and then pulled the trigger on an empty chamber? That's what it felt like when I fired the squib. There was no pop or small bang.
    Yep that was about like mine with some Indonesian Hertzers ammo (from Cabelas) . Fortunately I cought it.

    It was about like the old paper cap guns. For those that don't remember what those were they were things that some of us could buy when we were young before the law suits kept us from getting all of those things we could enjoy hurting ourselves with. Like beating a whole roll of caps with a hammer to make our ears ring really well and have the neighbor come out and cuss at us saying quit shooting off those **** firecrackers. and buying fireworks without our parents and emptying all the powder out of the small ones to make a BIG ONE!!! with a really short fuse.

    Man.... life was good. And believe it or not I still have all 10 of my fingers too.

  3. #53
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    Jul 2011
    Washington State


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    Yep that was about like mine with some Indonesian Hertzers ammo (from Cabelas) . Fortunately I cought it.

    It was about like the old paper cap guns. For those that don't remember what those were they were things that some of us could buy when we were young before the law suits kept us from getting all of those things we could enjoy hurting ourselves with. Like beating a whole roll of caps with a hammer to make our ears ring really well and have the neighbor come out and cuss at us saying quit shooting off those **** firecrackers. and buying fireworks without our parents and emptying all the powder out of the small ones to make a BIG ONE!!! with a really short fuse.

    Man.... life was good. And believe it or not I still have all 10 of my fingers too.
    While we're topic-drifting about fireworks...

    My cousins and I used to take about 10 or so Roman Candles, duct tape them together and fuse them up together. The other side had Saturn Missile batteries. We'd play "Romans and Aliens".

    Amazingly, nobody lost an eye.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    Yep that was about like mine with some Indonesian Hertzers ammo (from Cabelas) . Fortunately I cought it.

    It was about like the old paper cap guns. For those that don't remember what those were they were things that some of us could buy when we were young before the law suits kept us from getting all of those things we could enjoy hurting ourselves with. Like beating a whole roll of caps with a hammer to make our ears ring really well and have the neighbor come out and cuss at us saying quit shooting off those **** firecrackers. and buying fireworks without our parents and emptying all the powder out of the small ones to make a BIG ONE!!! with a really short fuse.

    Man.... life was good. And believe it or not I still have all 10 of my fingers too.
    Aww man, I have so done that. We use to do 5 or 6 rolls at a time and drop a big flat rock on em. Rung my bell big time. Probably why I have such super sensitive hearing and can hear a plane crash from 5 ft away.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NE Georgia


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    It was about like the old paper cap guns. For those that don't remember what those were they were things that some of us could buy when we were young before the law suits kept us from getting all of those things we could enjoy hurting ourselves with. Like beating a whole roll of caps with a hammer to make our ears ring really well and have the neighbor come out and cuss at us saying quit shooting off those **** firecrackers. and buying fireworks without our parents and emptying all the powder out of the small ones to make a BIG ONE!!! with a really short fuse.

    Man.... life was good. And believe it or not I still have all 10 of my fingers too.
    You sound like my cousins who thought it was funny to throw firecrackers at each other. LOL
    Yes, I am a gun lovin' woman!
    16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

  6. #56
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    Jul 2011
    Washington State


    I still throw firecrackers at my friends. But I use the ones with the fat round green fuses. They burn more consistently. The ones with the thin paper fuses were crazy unreliable.

    Regarding dropping big rocks on things, I dropped a big rock on a .45 ACP round I came across at some point when I was about 13. Wouldn't do the same now though. Durrr!

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Scoundrel View Post
    While we're topic-drifting about fireworks...

    My cousins and I used to take about 10 or so Roman Candles, duct tape them together and fuse them up together. The other side had Saturn Missile batteries. We'd play "Romans and Aliens".

    Amazingly, nobody lost an eye.
    Well I was trying not to give bad ideas to the "youth" that join in but since you started it once we were all old enough to drive we bought bottle rockets and drove down the road shooting them from the car windows.. and no it wasn't a passenger shooting them either. Worse than texting while driving.

    Disclaimer: Don't try this at home. I had many car accidents in my youth (only involving my car) but none were while doing foolish things. All were just daydreaming and not paying attention. Go figure.

  8. #58
    Join Date
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    deeply embedded in Florida swampland


    The big question is....

    Are you going to try and get it fixed, or.... render it a very very expensive desk ornament with a very very good story?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NE Georgia


    Quote Originally Posted by CJB View Post
    The big question is....

    Are you going to try and get it fixed, or.... render it a very very expensive desk ornament with a very very good story?
    For right now, I think I will put a Lonewolf slide on it with the factory barrel and run it without a compensator. It won't be as pretty, but I don't want to sink another big wad of cash into.
    Yes, I am a gun lovin' woman!
    16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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