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Thread: Inside of 8 round magazine

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    South Louisiana, East Texas, West Pennsylvania


    Kahr seriously needs to redesign their mag follower.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Denver, Colorado


    This looks like a great mod. I was noticing the strange gap between the top round and the following one. Good explanation.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Id like to learn more about this follower mod, are there others out there who have done this and had the same success?

    The blurry picture, as noted, is a bit blurry. Could someone describe what is actually going on with the "45° angle" on the "ears"?

    Did you keep the ramp angle where the cartridge sits the same angle just down to a .415 when measured in the picture? or did you actually steepen the angle?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Send a picture to Kahr. As many issues as they have with their followers they should appreciate the help.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnQ View Post
    Id like to learn more about this follower mod, are there others out there who have done this and had the same success?

    The blurry picture, as noted, is a bit blurry. Could someone describe what is actually going on with the "45° angle" on the "ears"?

    Did you keep the ramp angle where the cartridge sits the same angle just down to a .415 when measured in the picture? or did you actually steepen the angle?
    this thread is a sticky in the new members area
    I apologize if my post contains the same or similar information as someone who has posted before me.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Yes Ive been looking into this for a while and saw that thread, however it wasnt as detailed as to how much to take off other than "eyeballing".

    This follower mod "looks" to change the angle of the ramp (which the one that you provided the link to does not).

    When im measuring out .415 as the picture suggests im getting very, very, low on the follower, like to the point where its almost impossible without putting a hole through to the other side.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Where the new surface ends near the front and the thickness (old/new) at the rear, defines the angle and it can be calculated, but I'm not sure why knowing the angle would help you.
    Mark these 2 reference points and start sanding, adjusting the angle so the new surface ends at the marks.
    Buy a couple of $6 followers and having them on hand when doing this mod, will keep you from not having a functional mag should you "oops' one.

    The purpose of this mod is to increase the spring pressure towards the front of the mag, to reduce the fanning of the ammo in the mag.
    I apologize if my post contains the same or similar information as someone who has posted before me.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    northeast pa


    Don’t get to this section much but I see guys want to know a little more. When doing the mod I only cut down the back leaving the front pretty much intact giving a much steeper angle which helps push the front up more here is another write up I did showing some more photos
    Rest in peace old sailor Mike
    In Memory of Mom: Standing 4'11" She would say come here so I can hit you as I looked down at her
    As my Olde buddy Jake said point at the belt buckle and muzzle rise will take care of the rest
    Live a little learn a lot

  9. #29


    Which type of mag spring was this test performed with? I'm curious if Kahr went to the W profile mag springs from the Z style specifically to increase the pressure on the follower nose.

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