I took my PM45 with the recently installed CTC laser to the range for it's maiden voyage. I even remember to bring the tiny little allen wrenches supplied by Crimson Trace to make fine tune adjustments.
I had adjusted it to point of aim using the sights when I hung it on the gun.

I'm happy to report that I didn't have to make any adjustments at all. It was very close to point of aim at the 7 yard line and given the range is always gonna be a variable I left it as is.

My hardest problem was not looking at the sights and relying completely on the laser to fire a shot. Took some real concentration and I even shot it down from waist level a few times under the little barrier at the indoor range to make sure.

It was very visible, bright and activated with no effort or focus at all on my part.

I'm not really a laser kind of guy, more of a keep it simple type but I'm quite pleased with this thing. For instinct aiming its great for practice around the house and it also was an excellent training aid when I had my youngest son shoot it. He could instantly tell what he was doing wrong and made the use of the XS Big Dot sights crystal clear to him.

He did really well with my Glock 21. Just seemed to work good for him although he did well with 3 other 1911's as well.

Anyhow 2 thumbs up for Crimson Trace based on my first range trip with one.