I need to make this brief so that I can get to bed.

Went and shot at the range today using a new grip technique, and also my new CTC Laser.

Shot roughly 150 rounds of Winchester White Box at 7 yards.

It was a disappointing trip, but an eye opener and I did get good practice out of it. Thanks to the anonymous donor of the ammo that I used.


1) I had 2 or 3 Failures to Feed. I'm over 500 rounds with this puppy....shouldn't that kind of stuff be done with if I had a good gun? I'm afraid to admit it so I just assume I'm being a worry wart, but I don't want it to fail on me when I need it the most.

2) My grip feels great, but since I changed it and the Laser, my groupings are terrible compared to before. I'm hitting the silhouette probably 9.5/10 or so...but I used to pop off heart stoppers pretty consistently and now I'm just hittin black. Has anyone else experienced this? Also, I went back to my old less secure grip briefly and seemed to be getting the same results.

I started off WAY low, and was able to move my to about 3 inches low and right.

3) When I ignored my laser and only used my sights, the aforementioned groupings were the result. But when I tried just using my laser as if in a low light situation, my grouping were literally feet low...what could be the cause of this?

4) After the range I detail stripped my PM9 for the first time. During this I had mass amounts of brass come out of my pistol from various places. Probably enough to make a full casing(maybe a bit of exaggeration but not much).
Is this something to be concerned about, or is it just something one doesn't encounter until they detail strip it? I never had this with my M16...

Thanks for your input guys, I really need some advice on this one! I'll add more if I think of more and when I have more time. Until then, stay safe and have fun!
