Hi all, 1st day out with the CW-380. So far, like the gun very much. I shot a 50 round box of WW whitebox Winchester 380 flat nose today after prepping the gun yesterday as per forum recommendations. 1st couple magazines fired without issue. I did thereafter notice a few instances of the slide locking back after the 1st round (on 2nd or 3rd or 4th round) a few times. I definitely don't have my thumb anywhere near that slide release button, so that's not the issue. So I rechecked the bullet clearance vs the slide stop with the slide off as recommended here.

The top bullet, when the magazine is slowly inserted into the gun, does clear the slide stop tab just barely, without moving the slide stop release mechanism. However, if the bullet isn't all the way back in the magazine, it will barely rub that same tab at the end of the slide release part.

So what I noticed is that after the gun cycles a round, it tends to pull the bullet at the top of the magazine forward maybe an eight of an inch, pretty regularly (found this out by removing the magazine after each discharge). If that top bullet is pushed back to the rear by me at that point, I get no premature slide locks when firing the next round. Of course, no one does that after every shot, so my questions are, is it typical for the top bullet in the magazine to pull forward an 1/8th of an inch as the bullet before it is chambered? And secondly, if so, is it then worthwhile to sand down that tab just enough that it doesn't hit the bullet in that forward position? I don't want to do anything I will regret later.

If it's not typical for the bullet to pull forward an 1/8th of an inch, then what do I need to do to fix that?

Hope that is clear.