I’m still wanting a P210. Colonel, I remember when you got yours. Such a work of art.
Sad to hear Sig is getting rid of so many, but I know business is business and they have to focus on what sells. Other than their 1911’s, I’ve only ever had the 238’s and 938’s. Kind of 1911ish is why. To this day, I still say that a Hogue gripped 238 is the sweetest shooting 380’s ever made (Sorry Kahr p/c 380’s!). At least for my hands. Nothing in 380 has ever felt so right. I just moved away from them when I started getting into non thumb safety guns for carry. Don’t get me wrong, the 226’s and the others you guys like seem to be awesome weapons, but Sig’s to me, other than the 238’s and 938’s have just always been a little on the “fat” side for carry for a guy with a build like me (dunlop). That’s why I carry a CW9 90% of the time. I have shot some of them though and do believe they are fine weapons, but given their girth I’d only have one as a range gun. But for me at least, nothing will ever compare to a 1911 at the range, so that’s what I mostly toy with. I always say to each his own as I know we all have different needs, desires and “feels” about certain weapons, so I hope others don’t take what I say as negative towards what they choose.