Thanks Guys. It's an odd duck gun, though in very nice shape, at least from what I can see. More on that below.

Something I do with any gun I buy is to measure the grips front to back (F2B), and side to side (S2S), My 1911's with standard grips are:

F2B 2.04"
S2S 1.31"

This Ruger is:

F2B 2.08"
S2S 1.17"

So it is indeed slim in hand. The slide is 1.01" and at the decocking levers it is 1.21". If it wasn't for the 7.6" length and 5.75" height it would be a slim compact. As it is I'm hoping that the size and it's commander-esque weight of 29.2oz with an empty mag will still allow it to be fun to shoot. It has a unique cam engagement between the guide rod and barrel that's supposed to help with recoil. It's just a single round wire recoil spring that's 22lbs from the factory. All in all an interesting gun. Sights could be better than the tiny 3-dot setup but we'll see how it shoots. The trigger is long and fairly heavy in DA but smooth, and nice and crisp in SA though there is a lot of takeup and a long reset in that latter mode.
Everything I've read about these guns though points to good dependability, with one caveat. On this model if you dry fire it without the magazine in you can damage the interface between the hammer and the firing pin plunger block and/or the safety plunger in as little as three pulls. That can result in either a stuck firing pin or one that is inconsistent in its ability to ignite the primer. I did mention they are complicated and yes this has two separate and distinct plungers, mounted under that long rear sight plate that you can see in the picture. It is held in place by a set screw, and I'm not sure how tightly the sight channel holds the dovetail.
For some reason Ruger had a tendency to build complexity into some of their designs (think MK's 1-3 of their .22lr pistols), that was seemingly unnecessary, and not used by most other manufacturers. The manual says dry-firing is fine, so long as the magazine is inserted. I was leary about buying this one used for that reason but it seems to have been treated as the factory detailed in the user guide, though I did go out and buy some spare parts in case it was damaged, from a place called Parts are not easy to find, and Ruger does not recommend messing with the firing pin/safeties. I could not find another firing pin for it, so the my upcoming range trip with it will be interesting.