Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
I was hoping for a Daisy Red Ryder but guess I don't have to worry about shooting my eye out this year.

We had one when I was running the property room at the PD. Don't recall the circumstances, weather it was stolen recovered or found or what but it was absolutely mint, the original wood stock. Real nice. Wanted it bad but alas no legal way to obtain it unless it went to auction which it didn't do when I was there. That and the Single Action Colt mentioned before got checked on a lot whenever I was out there.
My buddy had his dad’s when we were kids. He had it slung across his back one day when we were riding our bikes around after shooting bottles in an empty lot. Cops got called and parents got called. His mom stuck it away and it was never to be seen again. Couple years back, after both his folks passed, we found a hidden little storage area in his parents old room. Little nook leading into the attic space. It was in there, along with a damascus 12 ga, an old double barrel 12 ga and his dad’s 30-30 lever. Forget the makes. He sold them all off, keeping only the lever, at pennies on the dollar to a lgs. I was not into rifles at all at the time or I woulda given him more. Live & learn.