I have a CM45 that I have enjoyed for a couple of years. I don't fire it often however I do carry it. I have not had any issues with it until lately. Taking it to the range I noticed it not firing about every 3-4 rounds. I thought it was hard primers as it shows a strike on the primer but no fire. So I changed to factory ammo of FMJ. No change. Then I went to Hornaday Duty rounds and had much better results although I still had a few light strikes with that brand. It is unreliable enough I can't use it for a carry gun until I get it fixed. I always carry Hornaday or Sig ammo and it has issues with every brand I have used.
Thoughts? The gun probably has a total of 750-1000 rounds through it. I also tried a field strip, clean and lube while I was at the range but no change.
Thanks in advance for your help.