My 13rd'ers do not have X-Grip spacers on them, they're factory. Never had an X-Grip spacer crumble though.

I did not know that HK made a 15rd flush fit for a P30SK (or VP9SK). Too bad for me since I now live in a socialist utopia state. I can use my 10+rd mags because I bought them before the law went into effect and so they're grandfathered, but I would become a law breaker if I was to purchase additional ones. Makes perfect sense right?

Used to be able to walk into my LGS and with my CCW could purchase a gun and walk out with it. Now, I walk in with my CCW, carrying concealed, and I have to wait for an approval to come back within 10 business days before I can leave with a newly purchased gun. And after the first of the year I'll have a mandatory 10 day wait, as well as having to purchase a "permit" to buy for every purchase I make. That's our local state officials following the Constitution and "not infringing" on my 2A rights. I legally walk in armed, but have to wait 10 days to leave with a different gun. As I said, makes perfect sense, right? Sorry for the rant.