I’ve owned a CW40 that had issues which is how I found Kahrtalk looking for help…..Never felt good about that one so traded it for a PM40 which operated perfectly but I didn’t shoot it too well because of the recoil so it was traded for my current PM9 which is a great little gun that I pocket carry everywhere and I shoot it pretty good…..

All that being said, the reason I bought the .40 S&W pistols in the first place was because it was right after Sandy Hook and we had the Obama ammo scare and when all the 9mm .38 .357 .45 and even .22lr were gone and the shelves were bare there was always plenty of .40 S&W available at reasonable prices so I figured it made sense to have at least 1 pistol in that caliber……Now today ammo is available, albeit expensive but you never know for whatever reason it might get scarce again but I’m guessing .40 will always be available…….

As for your question MK9 or MK40 I would go with the 9 but with either one you can’t go wrong, good luck and let us know which one you decide on……..