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Thread: My new PM9 has magazine issues!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default My new PM9 has magazine issues!

    Hey guys, I'm a new user here and a new Kahr owner. I recently purchased a PM9 as a pocket carry gun, because I'm too skinny to not print with my p220 lol.

    Anyways, my first 200 rounds at the range were really tough..

    My first 100 were American Eagle, second 100 were Winchester white box. Anyways, what started happening was my 6 rd magazine's baseplate kept sliding forward after every shot, and I'd have to push it back. The energy of the round being fired would push it forward somehow. After I got home, I realized after inspection, that the piece that has the 'nipple', pardon my term, that is held by the spring that holds the baseplate seems to be too short, and wasn't holding it on. I'm probably not explaining it very well, but I don't know the terms for the magazine components except for the spring and the baseplate.

    Anyways, the extended 7rd magazine was worse.. after about 80-110 rounds, (I'm not sure if coincidence, it seemed after I switched to WWB the problems with both were almost every shot, whereas it was sporadic with AE) the magazine would simply fall out. With AE, it did it a few times, after I switched to WWB, it was a LOT more, after my second box, it was literally every round. I only finished 200 through grit, and I planned on 300-400 but I had to stop because of how trouble it was.

    One other thing I just remembered, since it was about a month ago, was that the slide wouldn't always lock back after the last round was fired, and sometimes would lock back before the last round was fired, but this only happened maybe a dozen or so times. Also I recall having one or two FTF but I expected as much being that it's said to be expected within the break-in period.

    So after perusing a bit I've noticed a lot of the magazines seem to have problems and such, but nobody said they had it dropping as much as I seem to have. What should I do? I like the gun and I want to make it 100% work, but how do I know it's just the magazines, and not something else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    deeply embedded in Florida swampland


    I was able to "turn on the headlights" on my magazine nipples, by taking them apart, and whacking them with a close fitting punch onto a bit of hard wood.

    It got the job done... but... Kahr should make that right too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    good way to see if it is magazne related or maybe the ol thumb hitting the release is to try t shoot it left handed to see if it duplctes the issues of dropping the magazine. the brand of ammo has nuttin to do with mags dropping. U more than likely have a magazine catch that is not locking into the magazine well enough. Try shoving the magazine in the gun and then physically try to pull the magazine out, try every which way. It should not come out period. when the magazine is in the gun look at the right side of the grip and see if that magazine button is flush with the grip. It shoud be. If it sticks out the slightest then it is not locking up right. a call to kahr should get u a new mag release button and there is a nice picture tutorial on the kahr tech section. takes maybe 5 minutes to install it. It needs not to go back to kahr.

    Ur mag baseplates. take a pair of pliers and just crimp alttiel more the baseplate on each side to tighten up that baseplate and that should solve that issue. also what CJB stated is a fix and also some put a slight bend on that plate with the nipple to help it lock up better.

    slide locking back could also be round shitting the inside of the slide lock lever or shooters thumb hitting that lever and u not knowing it. again left had shooting will test out if it is shooter error or round hitting the slide stop on the inside. My bet it is the thumb doing it.

    again in the kahr tech section there is a thread called propper prepping of ur kahr, some tips to check out are talked about and the fixes are simple if needed..

    It is a coincedence with the ammo that the mags are dropping freely. Ammo has nutting to do with that.

    If u can lock the loaded magazines in the gun and then cannot physicall pull them out, then assume it could be shooter related. Try 50 rounds left handed.. both magazine falling freely tells me it is not a magazine issue.

    Ur ammo choice IMO is ok, the slide should lock back but again to test out, try a box of defense ammo which is normally hotter ammo and see if it locks back for u, load 3 rounds test shoot, retest, again and again to see if it locks back. I don't see anything major here that needs to have the gun to go back but u just need to start eliminating the possabilities etc. read that propper prepping thread, it should help.
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Thanks for the advice. My magazine catch doesn't seem to be sticking out on the left side like you said. I also cannot get it out without depressing the button.

    I'm dubious of the thumb idea though. I would have felt it if my thumb hit the release.. it would have been a sharp pinch since it would have knocked my thumb across it instead of how you would normally left your thumb off and directly down onto it. The edge is quite sharp.

    Also, when I'm using my shooting grip, my thumb is literally nowhere near the magazine catch. I actually can't even depress the lever without shifting my grip to get enough leverage.

    The slide release makes more sense, since my thumb riding practically on it in a shooting grip, so I'll try the left handed test.

    As for the baseplate, I realized the extended mag has a plastic baseplate catch, so I switched them, and the plastic one sticks out of the 6 rd metal baseplate almost 1/32 of an inch so there's no way it's coming out. The problem now is that metal catch from the 6rd is not adequate for the extended mag, since it's baseplate 'hole' is even deeper than the flush mag.

    I'm not sure I'm explaining it right because I don't see how I can modify the steel baseplate catch on my mag.. it's just a tiny steel nib thing, even needle nose pliers are too unwieldly to grasp it, much forcibly lengthen it while cold. Looks like I simply have a defective mag piece.

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