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Thread: Advice sought on breaking in my new p380

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego

    Post Advice sought on breaking in my new p380

    Just purchased a p380. Haven't even picked it up yet but I'm wanting to get advice about the break-in period. What advice do any of you have for me? Also, interested in any advice about ccw holsters. Thanks! PS--even any general/other advice will be welcomed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Fort Mill, SC


    Not real sure what advice you're looking for specifically, but first off, welcome to the forum, and great choice on a gun. I love my p380, great shootin lil pocket pistol! But anways.... check out the new member section of the forum, and look at the KAHR LUBE DIAGRAM, and the PROPER PREP OF A NEW KAHR. Both of those have some great info to get you started. Other than that, run a couple hundred rounds of full power FMJ rounds through that sweet lil thing, and report back to us on how it goes. You've picked a great forum to get answers to any of the questions you might have so feel free to ask!
    NRA Life Member

    "Gunfighting is the American martial art"
    -Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

    COMMON SENSE isn't

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego


    Thanks for the welcome and the advice! The first box of range ammo bought is Independence 90gr FMJ. Is 90gr considered high-powered for the 380? I'm not that familiar with ammo specs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Well I have been over on the general forum getting my blood pressure up all morning so decided to come over here for a bit and chill out...

    First off as PYROhafe said Welcome to Kahrtalk and congrats on your new P380 which is one of if not the finest little .380 out there.....Do read the prep a new Kahr sticky and do everything mentioned there...(much good info)....Kahr pistols are super tight from the factory and they mean what they say about them requiring at least 200 rounds before they break in somewhat...

    The ammo you mentioned is standard FMJ stuff and not high power carry ammo and will be fine to break in your pistol...Most folks go with Wal Mart Winchester White Box range ammo but unfortunately due to recent events there is ammo hording going on and it may be hard to find anything for a while until things settle down so when you see some .380 pick it up before it's gone...

    Now go to the range and shoot shoot shoot it...The more rounds down range the better it's going to behave...You may have a few hickups like FTF Failure to feed or FTE failure to eject at first but don't worry about it just clear it and keep shooting...

    New Kahr pistols like to run with pleanty of lube when new so keep it well oiled at first....

    Most folks pocket carry the P380 so find a good pocket holster you like and always use it, never carry it without a holster to cover the trigger as thats you only safety with this style gun...I pocket carry my PM40 in a cheap Uncke Mikes holster I found at Bass Pro Shop and it works fine for me...Other more expensive holsters can be found like the Desantis or a Galco and I have tried both and they are fine holsters but i found the Uncle Mikes keeps my pistol more upright in my pocket as it is more of a squared off design and I just like it better but you may like some of the others better...

    Again welcome to the forum and if you have any questions just ask away, theres lots of real nice folke here always willing to help out...Good luck to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Here's a couple of links that PYROhafe suggested you check out. http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1521
    Suggestions to run a couple hundred rounds through it before even worrying about any FTF or Failure to return to Battery, is spot on. Just clear them and keep going. Holsters are very personal and everyone has their favorite. Mine is made by Uncle George, great value and works as advertised. Welcome aboard. http://www.unclegeorgeswalletholster...s/default.aspx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego

    Thumbs up

    Thanks guys (I'm assuming!) and for the good tips. Yeah, being new to the Kahr and wanting to bone-up on it before I take possession, I began by googling it and watching some youtube demos. That's where I read so much about "failure to load" --especially when it's just out of the box. I don't let that stuff get to me and your comments about not getting rattled with loading glitches during the break-in period seem like common sense to me. I'll let you know how it goes after I've run a few hundred rounds through it--which I'm really looking forward to!

    I'm also applying here (San Diego) for a CCW license, but in the past I've heard they are nearly impossible to get. We'll see. But, as they say. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    Merry Christmas to y'all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Springfield, Missouri


    Hello, Manalive, and welcome from Missouri to a really great forum.

    Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and safe, good New Year!
    Geologist Bob
    US Navy P-3 Pilot, Army Guard Huey & Blackhawk Pilot (ret.)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego


    Thanks Bob. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. I'll be seeing you around on the site.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego


    The links were really helpful. I copied the jpg of oiling the p380 and saved it as a reference. I also ordered a holster from Uncle George.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by manalive View Post
    I also ordered a holster from Uncle George.
    I never met Uncle George. He must be Mike's brother.

    George makes a nice wallet holster.

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