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Thread: Trigger reset help on CM9

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Exclamation Trigger reset help on CM9

    Okay Kahr guys, I just got back from the range. I've got 350-400 rounds through my CM9 and every magazine but perhaps two have left the last round chambered without a successful trigger reset. The trigger doesn't have tension and after pulling the trigger all the way back there is no click. Here are the details:

    1) I used three different magazines and it happens on all three magazines.
    2) I know that there was a chance that this was happening because the mags were full so I loaded a magazine with two rounds, a magazine with three rounds and I had friend load another magazine so I didn't know the number of rounds. All three left the last round in the chamber with a non-working trigger.
    3) After the failed trigger reset occurred I was able to get it to reset by fully pulling the trigger back again and I could feel/hear the click and feel the tension back on the trigger as it went back to fully extended. After that I could fire successfully. That was 10% of the time. 90% of the time that didn't work.
    4) 90% of the time I was able to eject my magazine and push it back (empty) into the magazine well and the gun was ready to fire without additional trigger pulls or manipulating any other portion of the pistol.
    5) I never had to rack the slide or otherwise work the pistol, just pulling multiple times on the trigger or reseating the empty magazine allowed me to fire the final round.
    6) The slide didn't lock back until the final round was fired, so that's working correctly.

    I've read a few things about this previously but I didn't have a problem with it until today. Is this a striker channel issue that may require a super cleaning (it's already clean), is this an issue for Kahr to look at, or am I missing a simple fix that I didn't see earlier?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    wellu got meonthis one, u did the right testing also. I think u need to callor write (email) kahr attn. Jay andrun this buy him to gethis feedback. A phone call would be betterbecause this is very odd,as u know the gun can't count, so by doing what u did, then there hasto be some odd reason.

    I seriously doubt if it is a striker channel issue, the dead trigger is an idication that it could be trigger bar related and possably a gummed striker channel, but on the last round, that is the odd thing... I think this gun needs to go back to kahr for review.If that slides movesback a 1/4"it should then recock the striker, >it is a timing issue and it could be related to the triggerbar but againit blows my mind onthe last round thing..
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Mountains of Western NC


    It sounds like the slide is not going all the way into battery on the last round for some reason. The trigger will act like that when it is not fully into battery. If you contact Jay, he will probably send you a new recoil spring assembly. The fact that it is happening when the slide closes on an empty mag probably has to do with the added drag of the follower contacting the slide lock lever. Whatever Kahr does, I would take the mags apart, clean them and sand the followers and feed lips to smooth things out a bit.

    Jay D'Andrea, Kahr Customer Service, 508-795-3919
    Very interesting...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Two smart guys say I should contact Jay. I'll contact Jay! Thanks for the advice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    This is a long shot, but just in case, check the magazine spring in all three to make sure it's not in backwards.

    You never know.....
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wow...gosh.. you never said what kind of ammo you were using.

    I'd like to know the ammo type - factory vs remanufactured vs reload

    Next - does it happen to other shooters.

    Did this happen since new, or... after a short time. I think I'm understanding since new... just want to clarify.

    What kind of shoes were you wearing? Sneakers, boots, loafers, sandals?

    +1 on the slide not closing - I've seen that myself on my PM's, but it worked through and now there's no problem. The only problem I had was with remanufactured ammo.

    Try going into that last shot, and its resolution with a more watchful eye. Pay attention to whether or not the slide is closing.

    My own reset theory - is that there's a hanging chad of sorts, made of polymer - thats impeding the perfect performance of the trigger/triggerbar.

    I just got a new FNX-45 pistol. Guess what. Yup! Reset issue. I was able to identify the exact place the trigger bar was hanging up, and was also able to manually move the bar against the offending polyimer edge and restore perfect operation. With poly - I'm certain that a little feather edge of material, a little hanging bit of cut off or molded off material, some molding flashing, whatever... sometimes gets in the way of perfect performance. My Kahr experience has been just great. The FN experience... I learned that what I was thinking was in fact true in that instance.

    Would appreciate hearing how things progress.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011


    waterloo42 If you can try another make of ammo or pay attention where the slide is positioned when the trigger is not working. I did see if I could get one of my kahrs to do the same thing and found if it is out of battery by 1/8th inch the trigger may or may not have any tension on it. It might rub the stricker a bit or hang on to it. I think you have ether an ammo issue and or a mag spring issue. Break your mags down an clean them and very lightly lube and wipe "dry'. Try with a different ammo and see if all works well. For it to work well on all other rounds in a mag it should not be recoil spring related.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quick update. CJB said:
    "My own reset theory - is that there's a hanging chad of sorts, made of polymer - thats impeding the perfect performance of the trigger/triggerbar."
    I think he was right on the money.

    Kahr reworked the trigger and trigger bar and after a visit to the range today I didn't fail to reset the trigger on the last round at any point. I tried reloads of all kinds, JHP, and my wife even shot it wearing sandals...lots of limp writing. I couldn't cause a failure of any kind. I'm interested to know more about exactly what the tech did to the trigger but their notes from the service department are pretty short.

    Thanks for your help fellas.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Mountains of Western NC


    I love a happy ending!
    Very interesting...

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