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Thread: IDPA BUG match with PM45

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    NE Ohio


    IDPA is a great training ground for me. I have to wear glasses in order to clearly see my sights. But then I cannot see far well enough to see the hole in a plain brown IDPA target. Really forces me to focus and to trust my accuracy.

    IDPA is like training but even funner!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Sorry I lapsed into jargon. Limited Vickers is a scoring scheme in IDPA means a designated number of shots per target - no more, no less. If you take an extra shot and hit the target, they throw out your best shot. If you miss a shot, you can't take another to make it up. In contrast, the typical scoring in IDPA is called Vickers (without the Limited) in which there's a minimum number shots per target, no maximum, with make-up shots allowed. You're penalized if you have fewer than the minimum shots. If you have more than the minimum, your best shots are counted.

    Each stage in the BUG match had 2 or 3 strings of 5 shots, so you needed that many mags/moon clips/speedloaders on you when it was your turn to shoot. The match instructions suggested having four. I think that was in case one broke during the match.

    The stages were mostly designed so that you would take one shot at each of 5 targets on each string, but each string from different positions. For example, on one stage, the first string was from a seated position, the second string had to be shot while retreating, and the last string was from a doorway where one had to "shoot from cover". (IDPA has lots of rules about shooting from cover). So you ended up shooting those 5 targets three times each. The times were recorded for each string, the shooter reloaded between strings, and the targets scored after the three strings were completed.

    I think the 5 shot strings, no reload, no drawing from the holster format was chosen as a lowest common denominator for Back Up Guns, rather than a safety issue. That way, they can design the course of fire for both semi-autos and revolvers without worrying about favoring firearms with a larger capacity. In addition, by taking reloads and drawing from the holster off the clock, it puts the focus squarely on shooting. Not saying reloading and drawing speed aren't important skills; just that this match format emphasized accuracy and transitions between targets.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Upstate NY - (nothing like NYC). In remote country with thousands of acres of hunting.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    How about 26 reloads? I'm not a very good shot. Folks would probably laugh at 26 reloads! Maybe I could squeak by with just 20?

    You bring up a great point Bawanna. That's the great thing about IDPA. No one picks on or laughs at anyone...unless of course you have a buddy shooting head to head against you and you are both ball busters. Then it can be all in fun. It is generally a great atmosphere to shoot in. It is designed so you push yourself when you are on the line. You need to follow a scenario. For example - You are in a movie theater (sitting in a chair) 3 bad guys raid the theater....bla, bla, bla. You receive instructions on how many rounds you fire; in what order to shoot; not to shoot the good guys (which adds points to your score); how to use the barriers, etc....; when to reload; etc... You have so much going on that you don't have time to think about what the other shooters did or did not do. You MUST focus on yourself and what you are doing. Everyone makes mistakes some where along the mistakes are part of the game. It is a normal thing. The scenario and targets put pressure on you that challenges you to drive the gun from target to target. It is a great feeling of balancing speed (every second you take gets added to your score) with accuracy (every shot out side of the ZERO kill gets added to your score) and following the rules to avoid procedural points from being added to your score. You want a low score comprised of speed, no misses and all rules followed. That takes practice, but is well suited to real world scenarios. Fun stuff.
    My Sword - PM4044N/CTL/Talons
    - "One should diligently train at all times." Miyamoto Musashi
    - "Train in technique until it requires no thought - no mind and just happens." Takan Soho
    - "The truth beyond the technique....Here's where we stop thinking and start shooting." Brian Enos
    - "A single sword against the cold sky." Yamaoka Tesshu
    - "You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair."
    Taisen Deshimaru
    - "Know your sword!"

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    NE Ohio


    Well said garyb. The people who run the matches we've attended and all the contestants are great people...very helpful and friendly. TL and I don't belong to the club but they welcome us to show up, take the safety course, and shoot.

    Those who think negatively of gun owners would be better off if they observed an IDPA match.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Jax, Fla


    Quote Originally Posted by b4uqzme View Post
    Those who think negatively of gun owners would be better off if they observed an IDPA match.
    That is the truth!
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Upstate NY - (nothing like NYC). In remote country with thousands of acres of hunting.


    Quote Originally Posted by b4uqzme View Post
    Well said garyb. The people who run the matches we've attended and all the contestants are great people...very helpful and friendly. TL and I don't belong to the club but they welcome us to show up, take the safety course, and shoot.

    Those who think negatively of gun owners would be better off if they observed an IDPA match.

    Exactly! Well said.
    My Sword - PM4044N/CTL/Talons
    - "One should diligently train at all times." Miyamoto Musashi
    - "Train in technique until it requires no thought - no mind and just happens." Takan Soho
    - "The truth beyond the technique....Here's where we stop thinking and start shooting." Brian Enos
    - "A single sword against the cold sky." Yamaoka Tesshu
    - "You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair."
    Taisen Deshimaru
    - "Know your sword!"

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