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Thread: New guy...

  1. #1

    Default New guy...

    Hi, I'm Larry, and I'm a new Kahr fanatic!

    I found a new P45 on sale for $120 off and bought it with tax refund money. This will be my carry gun once I finish certifying it, and it replaces a Walther PP in that role. The amazing thing -- the P45 is just about the same size as the Walther, but barks and bites with much more authority! It joins my PP, a Taurus PT-99AFS, and a Tavor to round out my current collection.

    I've seen lots of people discussing feed or ejection issues in their P- and CM-series. I'm happy to report my first 100 rounds (American Eagle 230 gr FMJ) fed without a hitch. All I did prior to shooting was run a boresnake thru the barrel and lube up the slide contact points. The only anomaly -- when I slammed the first loaded magazine home, the slide released and chambered a round without my having to thumb the slide release. It surprised me, yes, and I did a quick function check after unloading. Everything worked fine after that (I figure I hadn't fully seated the slide lock before loading the magazine).

    And accuracy? My first 5 rounds, slow fired at 15 feet, were all in the 10 circle of a half-size silhouette. I'd call that accurate.

    So I'm happy with my purchase, and looking forward to the next 100 rounds! And some good information off this forum!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Heart of Dixie


    Welcome to the forum and thanks for the first range report. Sounds good. A fine use for a tax refund.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Don't let the gov't know what you used that refund for.........................................share the wealth you know

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by warbird1 View Post
    A fine use for a tax refund.
    Quote Originally Posted by berettabone View Post
    Don't let the gov't know what you used that refund for...
    LOL -- thanks. I call it .45 caliber welfare -- I figure I kept a few good Americans in Worcester, Massachusetts, employed for a few more days...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Upstate NY - (nothing like NYC). In remote country with thousands of acres of hunting.


    Welcome larry!
    My Sword - PM4044N/CTL/Talons
    - "One should diligently train at all times." Miyamoto Musashi
    - "Train in technique until it requires no thought - no mind and just happens." Takan Soho
    - "The truth beyond the technique....Here's where we stop thinking and start shooting." Brian Enos
    - "A single sword against the cold sky." Yamaoka Tesshu
    - "You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair."
    Taisen Deshimaru
    - "Know your sword!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    N TX


    Welcome to the forum!

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