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Thread: New Arizona Member requests recommendations regarding Lubrication and break-in Ammo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default New Arizona Member requests recommendations regarding Lubrication and break-in Ammo

    Purchased a new Kahr CM9 today and plan to clean and lube it tomorrow and take it to the range later this week. My initial scan of the operating instructions indicates an initial clean and lube with commercial solvent and lubricant and a 200 round break-in period using highest quality ammunition are required. I will read, learn and inwardly digest the info in the manual tonight. I have been carrying an H&K P7 and two different Revolvers (Colt Agent and Smith J frame) - have zero experience with a Kahr.

    Would like recommendations on: 1) the best lube to use, and 2) the best ammo for break-in.

    Looks like a great forum - Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Welcome to the forum. Lubes-everyone has their favorite, use what has been working for u.

    If you work the Kahr trigger like you would your Colt or Smith (double action) you will be able to shoot it very well.

    Ammo for breakin, just a good quality full power load. Then try several different defense loads, to see which one your gun prefers.

    Enjoy your new toy!
    "Do as I say not as I do"
    "You can't fix stupid"
    "Do what you want, 'cause you will any way"

    Stay Safe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Welcome from the Jersey Shore.
    This forum is LOADED with "Stickies" regarding this and READ your manual.
    If you still have questions we have great informative members to provide additional assistance..
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Salem OR


    Welcome & congrats on your new CM9. When I got mine, I cleaned it with Hoppes #9 & lightly oiled it with RemOil. I then hand racked it about 100 times every nite 'til I could get it to the range & I had zero problems. Most any quality ammo should work just fine for break in, just make sure when you're ready to carry the CM9, that you thoroughly test your carry SD ammo for reliability. Good luck & have fun.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sooner Nation


    As for ammo 300-500 rounds of hardball.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Great advice from all above ^. The breaking in is the easy fun part. Let us know which holster(s) you decide to try, that is the difficult part.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Thanks to those who responded to my 1stpost on the site and thanks to those who contribute to the vastamount of info to be found here, it's been very helpful (I'llelaborate on that in another post). Following are the results of 3range trips to break in the new CM9.

    Day 1 - 137rounds fired
    -100 Blazer FMJ
    -22 Hornady Critical Defense
    -15 Blazer JHP
    Issues – 4 FTF

    Day 2 -100rounds fired
    -100 Blazer FMJ
    Issues – 4 Slide stays open withrounds in mag

    Day 3 - 200rounds fired
    -100 Blazer FMJ
    -100 Reloads FMJ
    Issues – 1 Slide stays open withrounds in mag (a reload filled mag)

    I'm initiallyimpressed with the Kahr's size, power and carry-ability /conceal-ability; I'll withhold comment on any negatives until I'mproficient with all aspects of the pistol and I've fired at least1000 rounds and cleaned it many times. I must say I'm impressed withKahrtalk; helped with the on-going break-in (great lube chart, fixes)and the slide stays open issue.

    Thank you, Rhead

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    kwh asked about what holster I would use for the Kahr - here is what I've used in the past:

    1. C. Rusty Sherrick Custom Leather Works – I use his OWB U.S. High Ride (Most excellent for concealment and car)

      Horseshoe Leather (Andy Arratoonian) IWB's (Horse leather classics from the master in Yorkshire)

      Remorafor pocket carry - always great

      I'm too new to post pics on this site -- Rusty and Andy are artists in every sense of the word.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    For the slide locking open there are 3 things I remember that can be checked.
    1. See if the rounds are bumping the slide stop causing it to hold the slide open
    2. May need a slide stop spring tweak.
    3. Easiest thing, make sure your thumb isn't hitting the slide stop due to recoil during shooting.

    Good luck and welcome.
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I had some fte's with Blazer ammo...........................seemed a tad weak in the power dept..................

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