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Thread: +P+ in CM9

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by b4uqzme View Post
    Don'tcha think that maybe part of the problem is caused by the frame flexing and allowing the follower to hit the ramp? Possibly why you see the issue more in polymer framed Kahrs? If so, hotter rounds could contribute to broken followers. Just wonderin'.
    anything is possable, but IMO is is feed ramp related. If ur gonna shoot +P+ then u get what u deserve, but if the6 say it is rated for +P then it should not do it PERIOD. I think we really over rate this flexing stuff to. Just my 21 cents. Kahr previous issue with busted followe4rs, we know is related tr5o feed ramp and I don't recall an ownber saying he wa sonly shooting +P or +P+ amm. It was businting them with over the counter range fodder. Again IMO the flexinbg if it ishappening should be built in with the entire flexing of the gun, includinbg feed ramp. We are seeing much much less of these busted followers, so the ammo has not changed per say, but kahr is addressing the feed ramp thing. But again anything is possable.

    More guns made today with polymer frames than not, and we seem to onlyt hear this issue with the kahrs, so evident'ly the utter makers have solved this isssue, which I have not read of happening in the utter gun makers either or at least is is so so rare......
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by muggsy View Post
    That's true. Kahr pistols are rated for +P ammo, but they are not rated for +P+ ammo. There is a difference between +P and +P+. Read your manual again. It not nice to contradict Muggsy. I'm keeping an eye on you, Antarius.
    Hahha ya I stand corrected! I hadn't had my morning whiskey yet! Lol

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