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Thread: New Kahr owner from New Mexico - with a hint for CW40 owners.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default New Kahr owner from New Mexico - with a hint for CW40 owners.

    I just purchased a CW40 and began looking for a grip extension to give my pinkie a little extra grip. Pierce did not show that they had one, so I searched the internet for any options. I found none.

    Then I noticed on my desk that I had an extension from a Ruger LC9 that I had replaced with a +1 extension. It was just sitting there waiting to be tossed in the extra parts bin. I checked it out and found that with a couple of modifications it fit the CW40 beautifully.

    The first modification is to drill a new hole directly behind the existing hold with a very thin boundary between them. The second modification is to grind off a bit of the raised back end of the Ruger base plate. It curves up a bit in the back. Once done, the fit is actually closer to flush than the stock base plate.

    The Ruger LC9 Finger Rest Extension is available for about $7, so this is a no-brainer for anyone wanting that extra bit of grip.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    7 round magazines for the CW40 already come with a finger rest. It's not the curved thing, but it gives your pinkie a home if you need that.

    Welcome to Kahr Talk!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015



    Thanks for the quick response. The "finger rest" that comes with the 6 round mag is not quite adequate for my large hands. The Ruger Finger Rest Extension is the "curved thing" and fits me much more comfortably.

    I will likely purchase a 7 round mag, but maybe not.

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