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Thread: Fear of pulling the Trigger and buying a CW390/P380 Advice needed

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    I have approx. 500 rds through my CW380 so far. I didn't get a chance to follow all the prep and lube that is described in this forum. I picked it up and went straight to the range. I had read that quite a few people had issues with it but I'm also aware that several people really like the CW380/P380 with no issues after the break- in period. I was expecting the worst. I'm very glad to say that the first 250 rds were very pleasant. I did have a few issues, but just a few and not all the time. Ran several mags with no problems. As I recall, maybe 3-5 FTF's, 1-2 FTE, a couple FT go to battery. Some where induced by me. I shot several times one handed to see what it was like. I'm sure some was caused by limp wristing. All in all. I really liked shooting it. The trigger is nice and smooth. Feels really good in the hand for such a small gun. My second trip to the range I had time to clean and lube it correctly per the chart in this forum. I'm very happy to say that it performed flawlessly. The first trip I shot , CCI 95 gr FMJ. The second trip I shot, CCI FMJ, Precision One XTP hollow point. I shot a whole 50 rd box of the Precision One's. I plan on carrying that so I wanted to make sure it worked. I did buy 1 - 6 rd, and 2 - 7 rd mags from cheaper than dirt. No issues with the mags. I'm very happy I purchased the CW380. I posted this information previously because I want people to know that all though some have had issues with this gun I think there's a lot of people out there that have had no problems. I plan on shooting some Winchester White box and some cheap PPU next. I know 380's in general can be a little picky on ammo. Anxious to try it out again. I got a Crimson Trace laserguard for Christmas. I really like it. It only activates when the gun is gripped is a plus. No turning it on and off. Highly recommend it. If you want a small reasonably priced 380 that is a pleasure to shoot, buy the CW380.

  2. #32


    Yes, I would recommend P380. If you can get through the startup period well and get it working cleanly, it is a sweet gun to shoot and pocket carry. Kahr stood behind their products all the way to get me through it. The lock back empty feature someone mentioned, the trigger, sights, handling and shooting are all pluses.

    Someone said that the CW380 seemed to be a little less problematic than the P380. Based on the comments or lack of them on the CW and my personal and an acqaintance's experience on the P380, plus what you see in print, that may be true. I have 2 P380's, one purchased new and one used. The new has been back to the factory and had the feed ramped polished with a slight groove. The used one went back and got the more recent updated parts, new springs, and a mag swapped out.

    Both are humming along nicely now with a caveat. With the 6 round magazine, both guns shoot 3 brands of hollow points and 3 brands of FMJ's flawlessly.

    The 7 round mags are finicky. And there is an ammo and hand grip interaction when shooting the 7 rd. mags. Factory mechanic recommended to me to shoot the 7 rd. magazine with one hand and putting no torque on the front of the mag extension. It is prone to causing the 2nd round in a mag to dive and jam on the feed ramp. Nevertheless, HPR 100 gr. TMJ's shoot flawlessly in the 7 rd. mags in both my guns no matter how I hold it. With Magtech 95 gr. FMJ's, I get a failure in every 7 rd. mag in 1 gun and almost half of the mags I shoot in the other gun. Federal American Eagle 95 gr FMJ's and some hollow points I get few but sporadic failures in the 7 rd mags. I always want to make an excuse that cause was possibly attributable to putting pressure on the mag extension or the gun is dirty. But the bottom line is the 7 rd. mags are finicky. I still use the 7 rd. mags at the range.

    Finicky is not good for CCW so I am only carrying the 6 rd. mags. Overall, after working all this out, I am pleased with my P380's.
    Last edited by Ron AZ; 01-13-2015 at 08:12 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    If your that worried about it, get a revolver.......................................... .....................

  4. #34


    Go for the CW380. You can get really good prices on them (I paid $239 + shipping and transfer for mine). I just couldn't justify paying double that for a "P" model. I love it. I pocket carry it regularly and hardly remember it's there.

    Take it apart, clean it, lube it, and break it in with good quality round-nosed ammo. Don't worry too much about FTFs or FTEs at this point. They probably will happen and it should smooth out. If you get up to 200-300 rounds and you're still having regular failures, Kahr has good customer service.

    Do eet!

  5. #35


    My own opinion is there are good ones and not so good ones. My first one was not good. It took an awful lot of work and even though it was running really good when I traded it off it still was having an occasional bobble that was not ties to anything in particular. I found ammo that it liked but it still would, usually on about the last mag, would bobble.

    But I really liked the feel, handling, action, sights, and accuracy of the gun so I bought another. After a few early problems that led me to do some work that I had done on the first one (clip a bit off the large recoil spring, polish chamber and breach face, reduce extractor tension, find ammo it likes) it started running 100%. Thus, I like my second one and do trust it.

    However, all in all, I recommend the micro desert eagle before the little kahr because mine has been stone reliable. It also has a good trigger, ok sights, and is accurate, easy to carry and well made. I have both.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    High Plains Drifter, stuck in a Lowland swamp called California


    Seems like a lot of complaints, but actually it's not. Figure how many p380's Kahr has manufactured over the years and compare that to the number of individuals here finding fault with theirs. Mind you, that most p380 owners never join a site like this...unless they are having problems, and looking for help. It goes back to the old saying "If your happy with a product you will tell 3 people, if your dissatisfied you will tell 20." That saying has been around a lot longer than the internet.

    Everything is a toss of the dice. I research my purchases before I make them and hope the odds fall in my favor. By reviewing all the posts here, and the posts/comments from other sites, I've determined that Kahr has an outstanding customer service and repair department. So if repairs or service is needed, your taken care of, but the odds of that happening are slim.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    I have one of each. I don't need 2 and had planned to sell the p380 after getting a great price on a new cw380 but I kept thinking up excuses to keep both and finally realized I just wanted to, so I have. So that tells you my answer

    IMO, there's no reason to spend the extra for p model. For my purposes they're the same gun. I think the CW380 is an amazing bargain even when not on sale. Compared to any other gun this size, its better shooting, smoother trigger, more substantial, a true lock breach striker fired system, with last round lock open, just an all round more substantial weapon. Its in the same price category as the LCP the TCP and other tiny pocket 380s, but its in a whole different class. There are some exceptions, but most have no problem with theirs. I also think if you check out objective reviews (assuming they can be found) you'll find that its the choice for a pocket 380 among those who know guns best. For example I read Ayoob's review to the effect that while he thinks 380 is too light a gun, if he carried one this would be it. Of course that's before Glock came out with the 42, but I'm not willing to sacrifice the convenience of the smaller CW380.

    I carry this size gun because I know if it were any bigger it would stay in the vehicle. I wanted to be able to carry essentially all the time in any style clothing without having to think about it. If that describes you too, go ahead get a CW380 (or, if they're on sale, get 2).
    Rest in peace Muggsy

    "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." Winston Churchill 1899

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    High Plains Drifter, stuck in a Lowland swamp called California


    The only reason I purchased a P model over the CW is the CW is not on the California approved firearm list. None of the other "pocket" guns except the Sig Sauer 280 are available here in beautiful California. I didn't get the Sig because I am one of those who don't like to carry "cocked and locked". The internal hammer guns like the glocks and the p380 are fine and dummy proof.

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