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Thread: Kahr's in competition

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Southern California


    Quote Originally Posted by 7shot View Post
    What's a "bug match"
    BUG stands for back up gun. Only 5 rounds per stage. Very few clubs run BUG matches, and if they do, it's usually only one stage.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012


    After having run a couple club matches with my Kahr, I believe the only disadvantages are in capacity in vickers scoring, sight radius, and a very long reset compared to some of the other DAO's. Just approach it like golf or bowling and try to improve my own performance. I doubt the guys running 5" barreled XD's and Glocks carry them every day and very few bad guys practice their gun craft.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    more IDPA clubs are starting to have BUG DIV. at their matches as the parent org. approved two new div., CCP AND BUG; since we're talking BUG, you need 3" barrel, 6rd. MAX in the gun, 3 mags of 6rnd. on the belt, and a strong side holster. COF will be the same for ALL DIV., draw from holster, reloads on the clock, a concealment garment may or may not be required depending upon COF. this is as close to real life SD without receiving incoming rounds.

    repeat at least monthly and enjoy!


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2019


    I started shooting IPSC in 1976, but the entire idea was silly. The guns were way too big and heavy, the ranges much too long for realism, time limits were much too slow, and there were way too many targets per string of fire. 10m should be the max range and comprise at most 10% of the matches. 6 ft and less should comprise at least that much. Half of the match or more should be inside 10 ft, 3/4 inside 5m, with 15% between 5m and 10m. Maximum time limit for anything should be 2 seconds, with most of it being 1 second or less. Just like reality. If you aint that fast, you're gonna lose, barring a lot of luck.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by swank View Post
    I started shooting IPSC in 1976, but the entire idea was silly. The guns were way too big and heavy, the ranges much too long for realism, time limits were much too slow, and there were way too many targets per string of fire. 10m should be the max range and comprise at most 10% of the matches. 6 ft and less should comprise at least that much. Half of the match or more should be inside 10 ft, 3/4 inside 5m, with 15% between 5m and 10m. Maximum time limit for anything should be 2 seconds, with most of it being 1 second or less. Just like reality. If you aint that fast, you're gonna lose, barring a lot of luck.
    WoW, way to bump an old thread.
    Where I live I have convinced my club match directors to let me in the revolver class by loading only 6 rounds in my CW9.
    Great for Speed Steel and plate rack matches.
    I don't need no stink'en BUG class, and no one has complained yet.
    Do I win, no but I can get closer because it takes me out of the spray and pray class.
    I apologize if my post contains the same or similar information as someone who has posted before me.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2019


    I wasn't here when this is posted. When I see something interesting to me, I post about it. This place badly needs 1000x as many posts as it's getting, or it's going to be completely dead forum, instead of just moribund, like it is now.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by swank View Post
    I wasn't here when this is posted. When I see something interesting to me, I post about it. This place badly needs 1000x as many posts as it's getting, or it's going to be completely dead forum, instead of just moribund, like it is now.
    yep, pretty much dead...
    I believe there's not many posts here because most Kahrs are iddy-biddy carry guns, not range or competitive guns.
    Owners buy 'em, get them running, find/get a holster that works, and carry them.
    Many members here do compete/reload/shoot/own lots of not Kahr guns but post about their experiences in other/more active Forums.
    Not a lot of drama here,

    Edit: Speed Steel stages are 5 targets and are routinely shot at about 2-3 seconds, not a run and gun game though
    I apologize if my post contains the same or similar information as someone who has posted before me.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by berettabone View Post
    You shouldn't really worry yourself about a loser site like this. It sounds like you should worry more about shooting yourself and blaming it on stupid holsters and such. When I see something stupid, I post about it. Guys like you are one of the reasons I quit a waiting list gun club. Too many cowboys trying to prove how fast they are and endangering others. Stupid holsters. Thought you'd be smarter than that.

    Not to pile on here, his 1st post/rant in this thread refers to something that happened in 1976, that's 43 years ago.
    It's hard to believe he's been and still is a Richard Cranium for 43 years.
    swank, let it go...
    I apologize if my post contains the same or similar information as someone who has posted before me.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Hillarious........................................ ..................

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    He is gone. We don't meet his standards for traffic and quality, so obviously he has many other places to contribute his expertise.
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