I’ve never shot a 50. Biggest ever was that 454 Casull. For some reason, shooting the 44 mag after seemed much softer, but it may just have been the difference in the guns (44 was a S&W 4” model 29). The 44 did not seem much more recoilish (yes, I made that word up) than a hot 357. I would like to at least try a 50 at some point, before I get too old and my hands too weak, just to say I did and for the s eating grin I’m sure it would bring. My usual gun range rents them. Maybe for my nest b day treat!
357 is about it for me these days if shooting a decent amount of rounds. Funny enough, I think working on guns is what has my hands in not so great a shape these days so that I can’t handle the big bore stuff as much as just a few years back. If you saw some of my older posts about polishing and saw the gazillion little strips of sandpaper you’d know where I’m coming from. I do thoroughly enjoy a big boom though. My short barreled AR’s do provide that and are much easier on the hands.