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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #291
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dustnchips View Post
    So, is the no lock perfered strictly for the cosmetics, or is there added friction because of the design change?
    Mostly for cosmetics and the principal of the thing…..Some people turned away from S&W when they started adding the trigger locks during the Clinton years…..The locks don’t change the trigger pull any and only block the hammer when used but there have been cases where the lock mechanism engaged accidentally when some pistols were fired locking up the gun and without a key handy you have a rock…….

  2. #292
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North Texas


    I don't like the lock, mostly on principle. That said, I have never, ever had an issue with a S&W lock. I did have a trigger lock failure with a Taurus PT1911. On a range fun day, in the middle of a mag, the "hammer lock", locked the gun up and I had not brought the key...

    Yup, holding a pretty rock is an excellent description. One day, I'll change out the Taurus "locking hammer" for something seriously more traditional... But I'd never carry that 1911 because it has locked up on me.

    No more locks for me.

    I was once asked if I was "a paranoid for carrying my Kahr".
    "Nope" I said, "just prepared".
    " prepared for what" he asked?
    "more stuff than you are"
    God Bless our Troups!

  3. #293
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by dustnchips View Post
    So, is the no lock perfered strictly for the cosmetics, or is there added friction because of the design change?
    Since I'm not a gunsmith, or have I ever seen a lock gun taken apart, I couldn't say anything about any lock effects. What I have noticed is about the time that they started using/installing the locks, triggers got bad/worse. Some of the newer revolvers and snubbies that I've handled had IMHO lousy triggers. A friend of mine bought a S&W Model 63 lock model and the trigger was so heavy and gritty I actually couldn't believe it. His wife could barely pull it, and my wife tried it and also thought that it was extremely heavy and gritty. The revolver I carry isn't a lock gun, but the trigger was also horrible out of the factory, until I made some changes. Personally, I wouldn't own a lock firearm. It is the principle mostly, and whenever I see that lock, I get this picture in my mind of HFH (horse face Hillary) and it interrupts my concentration along with my stomach contents.

  4. #294
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    I had a Taurus revolver lock itself during a range session. Did not have the little key with me, so had to put it away for another day. I think the larger the caliber, the more apt they are to lock themselves due to recoil/vibration sent through the frame. There’s a guy that sells a nice looking “lock delete” for the Smith’s, available in blue, unpolished and polished stainless. Had one on a Smith 686 and it looked good. Just looked like a factory hole in the frame with a factory pin inserted. I think he sells them on ebay. Just for those who want to know.

  5. #295
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North Texas


    I think you mean this guy??

    Lock Delete - ORIGINAL PRECISION - Home of J.D.'s Original Works

    I've known two guys who bought these, but i have not seen them installed or received a range report from the guys after they tried it. Looks good though...
    I was once asked if I was "a paranoid for carrying my Kahr".
    "Nope" I said, "just prepared".
    " prepared for what" he asked?
    "more stuff than you are"
    God Bless our Troups!

  6. #296
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Round Rock, Texas


    Am a fan of the J-frame.
    Bought this “humpback” Airweight from a Texas detective 20 years ago. I like the shrouded hammer that is still functional.
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    A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
    -Rudyard Kipling

  7. #297
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    That's a nice one................I'll bet that the trigger is nicer than the latest and greatest.

  8. #298
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Central MN


    Took the new 642PC to the range Saturday. Really nice five shot golf ball sized group at 30 feet using a two hand hold.
    The bad news, everything three inches left of center. Careful examination under glass shows barrel just slightly clocked, just enough to create my miss hits. Calling S&W Monday. I am sure they will correct the problem.
    BTW, this little gun has the smoothest action of any revolver I have ever owned.
    "Never pet a burning dog"

  9. #299
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    ^^^BTW, this little gun has the smoothest action of any revolver I have ever owned.

    Almost like a Kahr huh?

  10. #300
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I bought my current no lock S&W 642 in 2011 and it’s a keeper with a decent factory trigger I am happy enough with, it could be a little lighter but I don’t want to mess with it……I am a fan of S&W but I’m not liking the newer revolver offerings with the two piece barrel even though they say they are better but I prefer the old style look……Over all Smith has been very good to me with repairs, I have a 629 44 mag that has not been shot much with full power ammo but started to have a problem when single action cocked being able to push the hammer forward but they fixed it by replacing both hammer and trigger and now it’s fine……I bought a pretty 586 .357 revolver used but the original owner had a trigger job done that was way too easy to let off single action so I sent it back with a letter explaining that I would pay to have it put back to factory spec which they did at no no charge and now it’s perfect…….I have also had the same excellent customer service, no charge, no questions asked from Ruger so either way both companies make fine firearms they stand behind……..
    Last edited by getsome; 01-10-2022 at 09:27 AM.

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