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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #711
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks guys. Those are actually screws with finishing washers and backed by slotted posts. I get most all of my holster making stuff from Good prices and fast delivery. Shipping is free with an order of $49 or more. It's also the only place I've found that sells some of the stuff, expecially the .375 x .225" flat head screws you need to anchor the male side of "Pull the Dot" snaps. Anything with a bigger head actually spreads out the rim of the snap and makes them even harder to snap on and off.

    Funny you should mention Garrett Colonel. I've been lusting after one of their STX in Neptune Blue with a black lining, and that's why I finally took the plunge to do this. I didn't actually need another holster for this gun, or my P229 SAS that also fits in this so it was hard to justify spending $148 plus shipping for one of theirs, which is what it would have been for the Neptune and black lining add-ons. Mine isn't nearly as nice as theirs of course, but it is flat-backed which makes them so much more comfortable than most others that are shaped to match the back side of the gun. And that holds true for OWB as well as IWB, at least on my weird body type.

    I set up to do all of this quite awhile back but never could get up the courage to actually try it. I used .080 kydex on this one and it's the last sheet I had left that was that thick. The toaster oven I bought at goodwill wasn't big enough to hold it so I stunk up my wife's kitchen using her oven. I didn't leave it in quite long enough (only about 4 minutes), so even my homemade kydex press couldn't press it down quite far enough. I had to do additional shaping in the garage with my heat gun. I don't have an infrared thermometer so I couldn't be sure it was pliable enough in the oven before setting in the press. Plus I actually used my P229 as a mold, covered with the goatskin and then some aluminum foil. The gun was no worse for wear after but I was still nervous about it.

    I've made leather backed holsters before but not as nice as this, and always before using pre-made shells I bought online. We learn by doing and so I was pleased at the way this one turned out for the most part. One of these days I need to pick up some leather working tools, like a good skyving knife and a burnisher. My wooden sewing thread spool threaded onto a bolt and turned by my drill motor works pretty well to burnish but I can't replicate the nice rounded edges of a quality holster yet.

    Oh, and for filing under the heading of "Who Knew", I recently read or saw something about clear skateboard tape. Can't remember where but because I was looking to do something in the way of a front strap for my Tisas Carry and didn't want to pay the ~$15 for a Wilson stick on front strap I decided to give the skateboard tape a try. I am very impressed with this stuff and will be using it for others as well. I paid about $9 for a sheet that's 9" x 33" so I'll gave enough for a few guns since the piece I used was only 2-1/6" x 1-1/4". And it feels great in hand. I used a piece of rubbery marine step tape on my Colt but I may just pull it off and try a piece of this instead. It might look as nice, or possibly better on a black frame.
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  2. #712
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Sunny SW Florida


    I didn't know Wilson Combat made the front strap tape - it actually looks pretty good in pics. Has anybody tried it in real life ? If so please post pics blue and/or stainless. Thanks - BTW they are $9.95 at Brownells Is it metal or is it tape??

  3. #713
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    I read the stick on Wilson stuff is a very thin piece of sheet metal with an adhesive backing.

  4. #714
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Dao, I saw that clear sb tape and you beat me to it. I think it's a great idea, specially on a stainless gun where not wanting to clash or have an aesthetically displeasing look. Nice find on that sheet of it. Looks good to me!

  5. #715
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    You have a PM Bird

  6. #716
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Thanks Dao!

  7. #717
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    A year or maybe two ago I bought an EAA Witness Tupperware 1911. Another tip from our good friend and smartest man alive Greg. I was somewhat unimpressed first time to the range. It was crude in slide manipulation and the trigger in a nut shell sucked. Not being the smartest man alive I didn't have much hope and just tossed it in the safe.
    With some time on my hands this week I decided to revisit it and tried a couple different triggers I had here. One didn't work which didn't surprise me, I think I replaced it in another 1911 for the same issues. So I tried a different one out of a Colt and it made an amazing difference. BUT it was a short trigger so finger right up against the frame when I pulled/squeezed the trigger.
    So with that in my thinking bonnet (small capacity) I ordered a Wilson trigger. Wasn't expensive but highly rated and just now installed it. Amazing transformation (prior to range testing of course). I actually have high hopes for this thing now being a shooter.

    I guess my own moral to my own story is keep tinkering, don't give up and maybe turn a pig into a ribbon winner at the county fair.

    Forget the numbers but it is considerably lighter being tupperware.
    Now to see if I can Bobtail this bad boy, better wait for some range time first huh?
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  8. #718
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    A gun that shoots can turn out to be the right gun for the job. Glad you're getting some playtime with it Colonel. Tinkering is about my favorite thing to do these days. Well, maybe second favorite. I still enjoy playing house

  9. #719
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    That’s good news Colonel! I didn’t know a trigger swap alone could make such a difference on a 1911. Now I know!
    Wish I could do some tinkering. As of late, all of my stuff is shut down. Just way too hot, humid and mosquito infested out in the garage (semi-enclosed). The closest I’ll do to tinkering will be to put some clear skateboard tape on the front strap of one of my “done” guns, (Are they ever “done”?) courtesy of our buddy Dao!

  10. #720
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Hey Bird, how about a big fan in the garage to blow those nasty things away from you? And some citronella sticks?

    By big I mean something along these lines. If you're skeeters can defeat those cyclones I ain't never going near your state.
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