A metal framed M&P9? Was it a CSX by chance?
A metal framed M&P9? Was it a CSX by chance?
Well! Well! I know what’s on my “next” list!!!!! Thanks John!
I’m going to have to at least hold one of these. I’m curious if all of the textured areas on the grip module are removable. Imagine that slide, frame, trigger all polished up. Giggity! Giggity!
Last edited by BirdsThaWord; 09-28-2022 at 05:07 AM.
Yup, the M&P. Another gun that I’m skeert to touch or I might want to trade my plastic one for it.
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911
The plastic one is my winter carry (2.0) and have a back-up one I hand to my son at the range. He shoots it pretty well. Love it! Wish I had taken pics of my 1st one, a gen 1. Guy had coated the slide so thick it would not even chamber a round. The extractor was not able to move. I polished the slide. It looked really nice afterwards and ran perfect. The new, metal one’s have a mighty high msrp, so may be a while. I have other polishing projects to finish anyway. I will definitely own one one day, just gotta find that super good deal on one.
Well it followed me home Monday.They had a ONE DAY sale with 10% off and it was marked down due to being their last one. So I got for around $200 off. It is sitting in a plastic bag now in my P229 holster in order to have it fit [stretch it out some].
"Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!
Congrats Jeep! I had no idea that S&W was doing this. Sadly I don't have any mags for the plastic ones so if I was to buy one it would have to be 10rd mags. I've come very close to picking up one of the M&Ps in 9, 40, and 45 over the years but other than an EZ .380 for my wife I never did. Kudos to S&W for not bowing to the polymer god, and instead actually putting something new out in metal. Now if they'd just do the same with a hammer fired variant!
There's always Idaho or Oregon or any state a member here could help with on mags. I'm confident the 10 round law will go away (Again) hopefully sooner the better. Don't really matter to me except it muddies the waters trying to buy guns that generally hold more. Almost like a California approved list.
In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."
There are really just two words that described it best Colonel. It sucks. There are of course many other words that would also do the trick such as this is what career politicians do in order to create political capital for future runs for office. Our AG did just that. They don't understand guns, why they're needed by law abiding folks, and also don't care who suffers or is harmed as a result of their political ploys (read BS).
The idea that a woman can no longer buy a particulr model of small gun (eg. Hellcat, CSX) for self protection solely because it holds more than 10rds in the magazine is ludicrous, dangerous, and advantageous to criminals intent on doing harm. Therefore it is shameful.
I guess I used more than two words there.![]()
Didn’t someone here get a CZ 75 Compact recently?
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911