Realized I couldn't remember last time I was out shooting (
Over 1 year I think)

With Covid and the ridiculous cost of ammo I just stopped.
Have a Hk VP9 Frankenstein gun (non SN matching slide/frame) that I've never function checked (not like me).
And an early SS slide Ruger LCP that had misbehaved from the get go on FMJs.
Shot 200 rounds to break it in which improved reliability dramatically, but not completely.
After reading about Ruger Customer Service I finally decided to send it back to the mothership.
They asked what ammo I was using for carry (Hornady XTP Custom JHPs) and told me to send it in.
Came back with a new barrel and was told they had ran the XTP loads successfully.
But again with the cost of .380, I was hesitant to function check it (
it ran OK most of the time...).
Anyway, I'm on a four day weekend and decided to function check both guns out in the desert this AM.
The Hk ran fine - shocker.
The troublesome LCP ran a bunch of FMJs and several mags of XTP customs just fine!
I'm guessing the early LCP barrels may have had feed ramp issues???
(Way to go Ruger CS)
Getting ready to go I realized I hadn't shot my carry gun in some time (Hk P2000SK sub-compact).
Shooting skills are perishable.
So I put a box on a stick.
Got a flash sight picture putting the XS Golf Ball front sight on the box.
And squeezed off a quick mag freehand.
The mag was filled with
Fire Breathing Underwood 125 gr 357 Sig GDHPs.
I'm OK with this for quick close range combat shooting -