Well I just ordered the second P2000SK 40 and don't have it in hand at the moment.
But here is the first one that I was carrying today.
Put an OEM 357 Sig barrel and Underwood ammo in it.
Can't find a second 357 barrel for the new gun so it will have to run 40...

Do own a P30 40 and a P30SK.
Wish the P30SK was a 40 too, but only 9 was, and continues to be, available.
Don't really think HK will ever produce the P30SK in 40
And they have discontinued producing all 357 guns...
Do love the ergonomics of the P30/P30SK guns.
But prefer 357 Sig to 40 S&W and am not crazy about 9mm.
Plus I find my P2000 357s easier to carry/conceal than my P30 40.
And I shoot the P2000SK 357 better than the P30SK 9 for some reason?
I'm a HK addict you see...