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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1141
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Round Rock, Texas


    Yeah, my 1975 Service Six’s trigger was pretty smooth….Lots better than my SP101s made in 1993 & 2014.
    A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
    -Rudyard Kipling

  2. #1142
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    One of the worst trades I’ve ever made was a letting go of a really nice Smith 2 1/2 inch model 60 .357 that I carried for years for a Kahr CW40 because I thought that I needed more firepower than a 5 shot revolver…….That CW40 had more problems than I can count and forced me to look for internet help trying to fix it which is how I found this place so sometimes bad things lead to good…….I ended up trading that CW40 and now carry a PM9 that’s reliable and perfect for me but I sometimes miss that old Smith model 60 revolver………
    Last edited by getsome; 11-20-2022 at 08:40 AM. Reason: Speeling

  3. #1143
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Armybrat View Post
    Yeah, my 1975 Service Six’s trigger was pretty smooth….Lots better than my SP101s made in 1993 & 2014.
    You CAN make them better.

  4. #1144
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Angry Beating the Dead Horse

    Unfortunately I had a continuation of the never ending
    "beat the dead horse" gun control story with my parents this AM.
    It starts out with my mother asking "why does anyone need an AK47?".
    Followed by "why does anyone need more than six bullets?".
    OMG we have been over and over this.
    And I think my head is about to explode.
    My parents are intelligent educated people.
    Even if we don't agree on a subject.
    Seems like we should be able to still have decent conversation.
    And understand each others point of view.
    I feel like I'm making great points.
    But it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall.
    Common sense seems to have left the building

    Anyone else have these problems?

  5. #1145
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Upstate, South Carolina


    My wife was from New Jersey. Her family is the same way. They have never fired a firearm. Have never held one. Do not know anyone with one, do not know anyone that hunts. All the local's have the same attitude. It's a cultural thing.

    To paraphrase someone: You can't use logic on illogical people.
    NRA Benefactor

  6. #1146
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    Quote Originally Posted by kenemoore View Post
    My wife was from New Jersey. Her family is the same way. They have never fired a firearm. Have never held one. Do not know anyone with one, do not know anyone that hunts. All the local's have the same attitude. It's a cultural thing.

    To paraphrase someone: You can't use logic on illogical people.
    Yeah, I know you're right.
    It just saddens me I can't find a way to get through to my parents
    on such an important topic.

  7. #1147
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I can’t remember if you shared where your folks are from but like kenemoore said some people, like those in NJ will never get it.

    I have had that conversation a few times and I usually just point to the news and ask that if a crazed person bust into their house to rape or kill a loved one, do you prefer up close and personal beating them to death with a baseball bat, or would they rather have about 17 rounds to start shooting with and then a couple of reloads to run them off? If they say neither and they will take their chances, if I know them well enough I may ask if I can have their car, nice TV, or something else if they’re gone since they won’t need it.

    Generally it gets them to think but they still may not change their way of thinking.
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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  8. #1148
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    If limited to only six, unless a person always has an armed posse with them, with each member armed with 6 rounds, any single attacker with more than six rounds would have the tactical advantage. A life threatening situation. Put into a potential real-life scenario as yqtszhj did, if you're at home with your six shooter and someone breaks in armed with a higher capacity gun you're immediately under-gunned. If your family needs to be defended why would you not want more than six rounds to do so?

  9. #1149
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Light Bulb Wake Up! Please

    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    If limited to only six, unless a person always has an armed posse with them, with each member armed with 6 rounds, any single attacker with more than six rounds would have the tactical advantage. A life threatening situation. Put into a potential real-life scenario as yqtszhj did, if you're at home with your six shooter and someone breaks in armed with a higher capacity gun you're immediately under-gunned. If your family needs to be defended why would you not want more than six rounds to do so?
    Yup, my answer to the six bullet question was "What if there are seven bad guys?"
    We have talked in the past about tactics, adrenalin dumps, house invasions, riots...
    That you can't have too much ammo/capacity. But sure can have too little!
    I want the best guns with the most capacity to give me the best odds of survival.
    The Brady Bill didn't work before, what has changed so it will work now?
    If you can smuggle and supply this country with metric tons of cocaine?
    How can you believe there wouldn't be a similar black market for criminals wanting guns?
    Disarming law abiding citizens will actually cost lives not save them.
    No answers to my questions and blank stares follow.
    But with the next high profile shooting these topic come up again and again...

    Although the latest turned out to be a knife.
    I wanted to say -
    Oh no, it must have been an Assault Knife!
    We need to stop this knife violence.
    Ban all knives!
    What does anyone need a knife for anyway?
    You can eat your food with your fingers.

    OMG I keep asking for criminal control.
    There are endless ways to kill people.
    You can't take all those ways away and make anyone safe.
    How about enforcing existing laws rather than just adding more?

    I guess the part that really triggers an emotional response from me is.
    They really want to disarm me and potentially put me in harms way.
    With absolutely no logical reasoning on how that's supposed to make anyone safe?
    Programmed and brainwashed by the media, like so many others.
    I feel this is the true threat to our freedom going forward.

  10. #1150
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Along those same lines/words Barth, in those conversations or rebuttals, I ask people, "would you rather have 21 rounds and not need them, or need them, but not have them"? No one has ever broken into your home, so why do you lock your doors or have a security system? You have insurance on your home, but you've never made a claim? You say you've never been in a car accident, but you wear a seat belt. Why? Would you rather wear your seat belt and not need it, or need it but not have one on. Just like car accidents, home damages due to fire, flooding, hurricanes...you may have never experienced those, yet you keep certain protections in place. Believe it or not, violent attacks do happen. I saw it once on The View, so it must be true!
    Last edited by BirdsThaWord; 11-21-2022 at 08:36 AM.

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