In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."
Lol, As I said, I own two Micro 9mm's DOUBLE STACKS including a Sig. And even more light is I own two Red Dots for both. Lol. Yea, I have seen the switch and the light. I just know how to turn off the light when not needed.
Besides, I am waiting for the TRIPLE STACK Sig 365
What can i say, they did not have Video games when I was a kid.
Kahr has 7 patents, and if you know anything about design patents, they designed a better mousetrap, with a design that's not obvious to ALL the experts in the field, so they already have one up on them all, X 7 times. AND, the heart and soul of the pistols- the gismo that cams the safety off, cocks the striker, and then trips it, all with the pull of the trigger.. That's their claim to fame. The tigger pull and re-set are set.
"Focus on the fast draw and the accuracy, The first shot is the most critical, Yea, you might be lucky to get a second or even a third shot, but do not press your luck".
Ummm some "Force on Force" training will show that that is not true at all. Don't think "shots" think "hits" The number ONE rule is to NOT get hit and MOST of the time, it is NOT the 1st shot. IN fact, plenty of videos of police shoot-outs show that the 1st shots are usually wild shots. IN order of importance: getting off the "X" is MOST important, and if at all possible, have your gun in your hand, prior; #2- KEEP MOViNG- it's harder to get hit when moving. #3-DO NOT MOVE DIRECTLY AT OR AWAY from your opponent. From their perspective, you're not moving- you'll get hit. #4- move in diagonals, preferably at them, to the back hand of their gun hand. That does 2 things: 1) gets them flustered and sometimes they fumble,or freeze, sometimes they actually turn their back to you, all the time they miss. 2) forces them to reset their OODA loop (try to hit a target that's moving to your back hand- it's near impossible). However, YOU are in a position to empty your pistol at them, LONG after the 1st shot.
Last edited by Gatorman; 03-26-2023 at 02:24 AM.