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Thread: Who else wants a double stack Kahr?

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by getsome View Post
    I love my PM9 in my pocket in a sticky holster because it’s so easy to pull and I can put my hand in my pocket and it looks perfectly normal and nobody pays any attention…..The most important thing to do out in the world is to pay attention to your surroundings and watch everything going on around you like at the gas pumps which is a perfect place for the bad guy to show up wanting money or your vehicle but if you are aware of the predator coming up you are ready and it will most likely be a one shot deal if you see a weapon come out so pull quick and never hesitate…….Shame this world has come to this but it’s truth…….
    Which size sticky holster are you using? Been thinking about you ordering one of those since I don’t have a good pocket holster for my cm9 that I like.
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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  2. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    The Sticky Holster SM-5 works well for my MK9 and MK40, so it should work well for the CM9.


  3. #113
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    Pensacola Fl


    Quote Originally Posted by getsome View Post
    I love my PM9 in my pocket in a sticky holster because it’s so easy to pull and I can put my hand in my pocket and it looks perfectly normal and nobody pays any attention…..The most important thing to do out in the world is to pay attention to your surroundings and watch everything going on around you like at the gas pumps which is a perfect place for the bad guy to show up wanting money or your vehicle but if you are aware of the predator coming up you are ready and it will most likely be a one shot deal if you see a weapon come out so pull quick and never hesitate…….Shame this world has come to this but it’s truth…….
    Yep, what I hate is they'll come up all innocent and ask for a cig or directions or something, seemingly innocent, and get in all closely. What I do, is when they get about 15 feet away, say, "Hey man!, DON'T walk up on me like that! I got nuthin'! Go on now. Come any closer, I'm going to consider that hostile." I'll pull the gas nozzle out of the car and stand there pointing it at them. 99 times out of 100, they'll stop, BUT, I've prevented them from controlling the conversation. Now they're on the defensive, "Aww man, I just was gonna ask for a light." "Well I ain't got a light, so go on, NOW." So far, in 64 years, that's all it took.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    Which size sticky holster are you using? Been thinking about you ordering one of those since I don’t have a good pocket holster for my cm9 that I like.
    I always preferred the Remora. More substantial. My wifey carries her LCP2 in one made for my old MK9. I also use one for my SP101. Gotta keep your firearm juicy in warm weather, they hold the sweat and things can get rusty. Especially ammo.................

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Jax, Fla


    I’d find a better gas station. I’ve been approached once while pumping gas, by a guy with teardrop tattoos. I gave him a harsh look and shook my head “no” and he sought easier pickins. Broad daylight. I usually buy gas at BJs now, cheaper and has an attendant near the pumps.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I’d find a better gas station. I’ve been approached once while pumping gas, by a guy with teardrop tattoos. I gave him a harsh look and shook my head “no” and he sought easier pickins. Broad daylight. I usually buy gas at BJs now, cheaper and has an attendant near the pumps.
    It can happen anywhere. We had a elderly lady killed in a decent area, big shopping center by two of the Usual suspects. Poor thing did not stand a chance. Shot her down like a dog for no reason. (car hijacking, they could have easily taken the car.)

    Here is a very sad story that happened at a convenience store not far from where I live. This is a actual picture of a Woman that is about to be killed right in a matter of seconds as she walks in to the store at Christmas time, by two of the usual suspects. Gunned down like a dog.

    This is the America we now live in. It is now a common thing. And the Dems now make them feel more entitled all the time.

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    Pensacola Fl


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I’d find a better gas station. I’ve been approached once while pumping gas, by a guy with teardrop tattoos. I gave him a harsh look and shook my head “no” and he sought easier pickins. Broad daylight. I usually buy gas at BJs now, cheaper and has an attendant near the pumps.

    I travel around the country working (installing frames and glass into high rises). I don't have the luxury of knowing how "good" a gas station is, in cities across the Country, especially big cities like Atlanta, Mobile, NOLA, Miami, Tampa, Las Vegas, KC, Mo., etc. Plus, I had to deal with that in Japan; the P.I. ,where they'd slit your throat for $10; Okinawa; etc. So I had to have a blanket response, no matter where I was. The Truth is, 99.9% of time, my confrontations have been less than lethal ( NO, you can NOT shoot that baby mama, with 10 kids, from different baby daddies, who just cut line in front of you at wally world and flipped you off; No, you cannot shoot the teens who just drove in with their rap blaring and called you an ahole, etc); so i've been carrying 20 million volts of lightning, as well, and using that vastly more often than a gun,which has been never. Nope, I've never killed anyone in self defense. I HAVE been shot at, 3 times and actually dodged the bullets: The best sound in the world is "BANG, BANG, BANG, CLICK, CLICK,CLICK.. There's a video about a divorce lawyer dodging bullets, from the estranged husband, outside a courthouse, with a tree, between them.

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Here is something I would like to see on a Kahr. This is from Lakeline for the GX4.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    Which size sticky holster are you using? Been thinking about you ordering one of those since I don’t have a good pocket holster for my cm9 that I like.
    Sorry guys I’ve been busy this weekend and didn’t check in but if you have a CM/PM Kahr a Sticky holster MD-1 fits like a glove and they hold up well to everyday pocket use….I didn’t like the lime green “Sticky” print on it much but a little brake cleaner on a rag takes it right off and doesn’t damage the material at all…..I’ve tried all kinds of expensive name brand pocket holsters but the Sticky has worked great for me and does what it should, quick smooth draw and doesn’t move in the pocket and the price is right…..Their web site has a chart showing what model fits what gun you have so if you are looking for a good quality pocket holster for your CM/PM or P380 check um out………

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thanks berettabone and getsome.
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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