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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1381
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Central MN


    Quote Originally Posted by King Rat View Post
    I read a article some years ago about why the Ruger would be a great choice for a Apocalypse firearm.
    I had and sold to a customer that begged me so I sold a Blackhawk in .357/38 plus a 9mm cylinder for his "cabin gun". Both shot exactly to POI at 25yd. One of the nicest guns I have ever owned. My only complaint with that as with most all SA's with the plow handle grip, was the bruising of my driving finger during recoil.
    BTW just picked up a Uberti 1873 and I am back to a sore finger but having a ton of fun.
    "Never pet a burning dog"

  2. #1382
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Round Rock, Texas


    No photo of your new ‘73?

    Picked up this new Ruger Max9 today. Couldn’t pass it up for $299.99 + tax, shipping & ffl.
    Same price as my last LCP Max .380.
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    A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
    -Rudyard Kipling

  3. #1383
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Nicely done Sir! Hard to beat a deal like that.

  4. #1384
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Kimber .45

    I added the magwell MSH. Haven't decided yet if I'll keep the beveled laser grips on it or put a proper set of flat bottom magwell grips on it, or if I'll leave the magwell on it at all. I bought the magwell before I got the gun because it's shorter than a Colt Defender and I didn't know if I'd be able to get a full three-fingered grip on it as stock. I can.
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  5. #1385
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Panzer M14. Benilli patent ran out. Now every part cloned. Can use parts from the M4, or vice versa. Runs fantastic. Right out of the box. birdshot, buckshot, Turkey loads.

    . Even equipped with Beretta Mobile chokes. Just too much fun for one day! (My shoulder will be sore tomorrow)

    Watch the Hickcock45 video

    Last edited by King Rat; 04-12-2023 at 11:02 PM.

  6. #1386
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Central MN


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Kimber .45

    I added the magwell MSH. Haven't decided yet if I'll keep the beveled laser grips on it or put a proper set of flat bottom magwell grips on it, or if I'll leave the magwell on it at all. I bought the magwell before I got the gun because it's shorter than a Colt Defender and I didn't know if I'd be able to get a full three-fingered grip on it as stock. I can.
    I have a bad habit of selling some of my favorite guns to customers that have become friends. My Kimber Ultra CDP II was one of them. Light, reliable, east to shoot accurately, and reliable as anything I have ever owned. A couple of thoughts for you if this is a primary carry gun,

    pick up a couple of spare recoil springs. I never had failures but recommended change out is about 1500 rounds and you have the option of using the old one for range work and dropping in the new one for carry.

    If you use mags with metal followers, check the frames feed ramp for chipping. That was an issue on early models and easily solved by using Wilson polymer followers that performed flawlessly and eliminated the chance of nicking up the alloy feed ramp.

    One more thing, mine had an ambi safety and it was easy snicked off by my right arm movements during the day. Kimber makes a shorter, low profile safety for the right side that completely eliminated the issue.

    I would leave the laser as it might prevent you from having to pull the trigger in a confrontation.

    I miss that gun a lot.
    "Never pet a burning dog"

  7. #1387
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks for the tips pd. For only the second time in my long history of buying and selling guns I had to send this one back to the manufacturer. My first was a Kahr because of finish issues. This time, one of the grip bushings was set into the frame cross-threaded. I couldn't slip a different grip on it because of the cant. To their credit, so far, they agreed to take the gun back immediately for repair, and are paying for shipping both ways.

    This one has a ramped barrel, but I'll keep an eye of those of my 1911's that do not, in which I use mags with metal followers. No ambi safety on this one, and I've replaced the ambi safeties on several guns for the reason you noted. I do still have some so-equipped but I'm very conscious of this when carrying and check the safety on them frequently while I'm out and about with them, as well as before and after holstering.

  8. #1388
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Will the micarta continue to change color if you have any oil or dirt on your hands once they fully lighten?

  9. #1389
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Nice new pieces fellas! I have not been on here much lately. Just been bolting odds and ends onto some I already own. Ya'll making me itch for something new though! 😉

  10. #1390
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Zippo Guy View Post
    Will the micarta continue to change color if you have any oil or dirt on your hands once they fully lighten?

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Nice new pieces fellas! I have not been on here much lately. Just been bolting odds and ends onto some I already own. Ya'll making me itch for something new though! 
    I've noticed Byrd. Been wondering what you were up to!

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