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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1771
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Thank you sir!
    Those look great on there. The diamonds look almost like carbon fiber. More stylish? I dunno. I'd LOVE to have it just how it sits. Maybe some brushed grips screws with a pattern? And, that trigger is what I'm wanting for the V10. That curved one or a flat faced solid one. I'm gonna do a photo cut & paste in PowerPoint before I "pull the trigger" on the trigger. Pun intended!😁

  2. #1772
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities MN.


    Para Ordnance on left Taurus on right.
    "Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
    I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!

  3. #1773
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Thanks dao. Man, you sure do have some nice 1911's! I love the big ol' slab sides on that DW. Would look real nice all shinied up, not that it isn't a looker already. If you were close by I'd certainly help you get it BBQ'd up.  I'm hoping to have some DW's in my collection again one day. Had 2 that got away. Definitely tops on my "you shouldn't have done that" list.
    It is too bad we're 3300 miles apart. I can think of few things that would be more enjoyable than sitting around with a friend, polishing up a gun. Over a beer or two. I think the only good thing about letting guns go is the feeling of satisfaction we get when we bring home another one like it much later.

    edit: Here's that same Classic Bird. With the grips that the Colonel made for me. Along with the Guardian that I let go. Sadly.
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  4. #1774
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster09 View Post
    Para Ordnance on left Taurus on right.
    I see! I think I know why you made the Para so custom/nice. If your is anything like the one's I had in the past, the factory finish is very soft and prone to wear. I think you nailed the custom look on it. Would be proud to own it!

  5. #1775
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    It is too bad we're 3300 miles apart. I can think of few things that would be more enjoyable than sitting around with a friend, polishing up a gun. Over a beer or two. I think the only good thing about letting guns go is the feeling of satisfaction we get when we bring home another one like it much later.
    Sounds like good times! The buddy that sent me the pic of the pearl grips came over once and we did exactly that. Weather had just gotten a bit warmer after a freeze, so we sat out in the garage, mosquito free, til late in the night. Drinking and polishing with the radio on. I think I was doing the Kahr K9 at the time. That's a good memory. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, too bad you are so far away my friend 😊
    Both of those DW's ... 😛 The Colonel does his grips right! Too bad about the Guardian, but like you said, now another you can love is coming home (ECO). Here's the 2 that got away from me:

  6. #1776
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    I'm pondering a set for Barth. Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc. Feedback from Barth and others welcomed. Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  7. #1777
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    I'm pondering a set for Barth. Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc. Feedback from Barth and others welcomed. Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
    For his V-Bob? Can’t wait to see what you do. Wood? Horn? Wooly mammoth ankle bone? I’m sure you’ll do something with some flair!

  8. #1778
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Cool 1911 dreaming on such a winters day

    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    I'm pondering a set for Barth.
    Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc.
    Feedback from Barth and others welcomed.
    Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
    I really want to shoot the gun with the VZ 10 grips first.
    Normally I shoot 1911s real well.
    Wilson Combat QCB in particular, as well as Night Hawk and Kimber.
    But for some reason I don't shoot the DW Lights Out.
    I'm sure it's not the gun.
    And wonder if the super thin slick custom grips I had on the gun might be the culprit.
    The G10s are slim too, but they are far far away from slick.
    And I think G10s are what comes on QCB (Slim or Standard I don't know)?
    Or maybe standard thickness grips might make a difference?
    Something to fill my hand.
    I just don't know...

    But Colonel I totally appreciate the offer.
    And am honestly intrigued at the thought of what you might come up with
    I'll try to get to the range soon and give the G10s a spin.
    Can you give me some sort of price range we would be looking at If I went with some "Bawanna Specials"?

    Was kind of thinking something in Stag might be right up your alley.
    And would look good with the brushed stainless V-Bob.
    I'm a complete novice with 1911 grips.
    And the grips screws seem super shallow with a delicate fit...

    Off the top of my head I was thinking -

  9. #1779
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities MN.


    Yes shiney is good!
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    "Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
    I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!

  10. #1780
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    I really want to shoot the gun with the VZ 10 grips first.
    Normally I shoot 1911s real well.
    Wilson Combat QCB in particular, as well as Night Hawk and Kimber.
    But for some reason I don't shoot the DW Lights Out.
    I'm sure it's not the gun.
    And wonder if the super thin slick custom grips I had on the gun might be the culprit.
    The G10s are slim too, but they are far far away from slick.
    And I think G10s are what comes on QCB (Slim or Standard I don't know)?
    Or maybe standard thickness grips might make a difference?
    Something to fill my hand.
    I just don't know...

    But Colonel I totally appreciate the offer.
    And am honestly intrigued at the thought of what you might come up with
    I'll try to get to the range soon and give the G10s a spin.
    Can you give me some sort of price range we would be looking at If I went with some "Bawanna Specials"?

    Was kind of thinking something in Stag might be right up your alley.
    And would look good with the brushed stainless V-Bob.
    I'm a complete novice with 1911 grips.
    And the grips screws seem super shallow with a delicate fit...

    Off the top of my head I was thinking -
    As much as I love stag, I'm pretty much a failure on making them. I do have one set I made that's "good enough for me" after trying several tries. The horn or antler has to be just right for the proper coverage but also not too thick. I like thin and it's tough to find stag that is any less than a standard thickness and most are much thicker. That being said I will try again and if miraculously I am successful I'll probably offer them up. Sounds like you have large hands or prefer standard thickness, I'll play some.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

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