The plant in Arizona is still producing guns, but all the LCP production was shifted to NC several years ago.
Both my LCP Maxes were made in NC.
The plant in Arizona is still producing guns, but all the LCP production was shifted to NC several years ago.
Both my LCP Maxes were made in NC.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
Now Mayodan, NC makes perfect sense. Making a samich indeed. Good one Bird![]()
Wish I had been in the position to bid on this. It went for less than the price of a new one. This one was made in 2010, and according to the description may never have been fired outside of the factory. Winning bid was $1925.
Speaking from a whole lot of experience with LCP's, I can tell you emphatically that Kahr makes a superior firearm. Much better build quality. Will out last the LCP many times over. Milder shooter, can handle Plus P or HOT ammo with no issues. I do have one LCP left after owning many. And it does have the rubber grip installed, because that gun needs it. Kahr does not. I termed the LCP's as throw away guns many years ago. And that is what they are. I do not recommend them at all if you plan on shooting often. They do not hold up. I know this as a fact. I shoot Pocket guns on a regular, diligent training schedule and have been since the LCP first came out. The Kahr just keeps on trucking. A real testimony to their quality.
I agree.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
I think just visually looking at the two broken down next to each other would paint that picture. the Kahr is more robust in every area. Thicker everything.
Well, considering the Kahr S9 pistols we ordered are currently in the same price range as the little LCP, there is no question about which is the better deal.
Of course they are in totally different classifications.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
Agreed and agreed!
Yaaaay! Picked up the S9 today
I'll take a break from polishing tonight so I can clean up the slide internals. Now to get the light (TRL-7A) and a holster. Gotta wait on that stuff though, so this one will have to languish a bit. 😔