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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1841
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Congrats Bird. That will be my son's first gun if he ever gets around to taking some training and getting his CCW. They are a very nice size.

  2. #1842
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Congrats Bird. That will be my son's first gun if he ever gets around to taking some training and getting his CCW. They are a very nice size.
    Thanks! I think he would like it. Feels good in hand, but a bit thin after gripping the Shield+ that has a Hogue on it. I wish Hogue made a grip that had the double finger grooves instead of the single for it, but… the whole reason I wanted the S9 was to have something slimmer than the Shield+ sometimes, so I’ll skip the Hogue on this one altogether. In summer clothes, even with just the Clip Draw instead of a holster, the Shield is printing a tad bit more than I’d like. Since I just got this, I’ve already ordered a conventional iwb holster for the plus. Second reason for that is the Clip Draw has the plus riding too low. Drawing with part of the grip under the belt line is less than optimal. Hoping the new holster, with it’s adjustability in ride height, will solve this issue without riding too high. I still have a bit of dunlop (I’m working on that) and don’t want the grip pushing out further, increasing the printing. Thanks again man!

  3. #1843
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Round Rock, Texas


    Mine is “out for delivery” this afternoon.
    Am going to order one of the steel magazine base plates like I have done for my other Kahrs to make them a bit smaller for concealment.
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    A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
    -Rudyard Kipling

  4. #1844
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Armybrat View Post
    Mine is “out for delivery” this afternoon.
    Am going to order one of the steel magazine base plates like I have done for my other Kahrs to make them a bit smaller for concealment.
    I'm surprised mine came quicker than yours. I thought with one of the pics you posted that you already got it. Good idea about the mag base. Wish I had kept the one's I once had.

  5. #1845
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Nice pickup Bird. The S9 is a good choice. It will be my son's first when he's ready.

  6. #1846
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Smile Aren't New Guns Fun?

    That new Kahr S9 sure looks sweet!
    And the price is crazy good too.
    If I didn't already have twin Ruger LC9s Pro guns (and a Walther PPS M2).
    I'd order one of those in a heartbeat.

    Two Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns are scheduled to arrive at the FFL today.
    One for Dad and one for me

    Have already had the new HK VP9SK Holosun SCS out to the range three times.
    It just continues to impress
    January isn't even finished and 2024 is already looking great!

  7. #1847
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Yer kicking the year off great! I bet Dad will be happy. Is that going to be a surprise to him?
    3 range visits already? I used to do that and wish I still did.

  8. #1848
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Smile Life is Good

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Yer kicking the year off great! I bet Dad will be happy. Is that going to be a surprise to him?
    3 range visits already? I used to do that and wish I still did.
    I had FTF issues with my old LCP, sent it back to the Mothership and just function checked it.
    The repaired gun runs 100% on Hornady XTPs and effortlessly shoots point blank 9 ring groups!
    So I orders a second and told my Dad about the gun.
    He wanted to see it and after handling the gun (along with my Mom) asked if I could get one for him too?
    Early BDay/Xmas present to both of them
    My has a Ruger Speed Six 4" 357 loaded with 38s he bought many years ago.
    But my mother has complained about the size and weight of that gun.
    I told him technology and time has changed - LOL!

    At one time I used to go shooting about twice a month.
    But after Covid hit I had not been shooting at a range in years
    Would drive my 4x4 off into the desert off and on for some blasting.
    But much less often than I'd like.
    Finally, now things have settled down.
    There's a range near me that has annual membership of $228.
    That includes unlimited range rental.
    And they have a portal where I can reserve a 1 hr lane in advance.
    No waiting and I can use my own ammo/targets!
    Have target ammo stacked deep.
    So now I'm shooting whenever I'm in the mood

  9. #1849
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Glad you were able to get Ruger to sort that LCP. That’s a nice B-Day gift!
    Off into the sand to shoot? Man, that would be fantastic. That and when I hear of guys shooting on their property…sigh! (envy)
    Yeah, before covid, I’d go to the range 1-3 x’s a week. Ammo was cheap. I was paying $9 a box of fmj 9mm. Got real good for a bit there. Now, sometimes 3-6 months between range trips. Luckily, went twice in December. Having the wife now enjoying (or at least not being afraid of her pistol has helped.

  10. #1850
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Yaaaay! Picked up the S9 today
    I'll take a break from polishing tonight so I can clean up the slide internals. Now to get the light (TRL-7A) and a holster. Gotta wait on that stuff though, so this one will have to languish a bit. 
    Attachment 20613
    Super Congrats Bird and Army. Smart move. Great looking high quality firearm.

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