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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #1861
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Got her home, cleaned her up, and installed a magwell, some bushings and some new grips
    That magwell and magwell grips really smooths out/complete's the bottom area dao. Not on my 2 polishing projects, but plan to do those on my next officer. I like both looks (traditional pin cutout and magwell), but I do think the magwell & grips make for a cleaner, less mechanical or utilitarian look, if that even makes sense? 🤔 I'm not 100% settled on the Gunsite grips I put on the V10. I may be getting some mother of pearl or some sort of bone grips. While not putting a magwell on it, those grips would definitely be magwell bottomed.

  2. #1862
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns have arrived.
    Added Hogue grips and Galloway Stainless guide rods.
    Really digging the upgraded cocking serrations and aluminum skeletonized trigger.
    Those little LCP's have come a long way. Yes, the trigger and serrations look much better to me on that little gun. I would fore grip the slide anyway on one so small, so functionaly those were a good move on Ruger's part. Of course, I'd be polishing the slide and trigger eventually, but I'm just a polishing nut case! 😂
    I wish I had a cnc machine. I'd make pinky extensiins from aluminum for that one and other guns where they are currently unavailable. A polished aluminum extension would tie everything else together, in my crazed opinion.😂

  3. #1863
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Smile I like the Shinny

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Those little LCP's have come a long way. Yes, the trigger and serrations look much better to me on that little gun. I would fore grip the slide anyway on one so small, so functionaly those were a good move on Ruger's part. Of course, I'd be polishing the slide and trigger eventually, but I'm just a polishing nut case! 
    I wish I had a cnc machine. I'd make pinky extensiins from aluminum for that one and other guns where they are currently unavailable. A polished aluminum extension would tie everything else together, in my crazed opinion.
    I really prefer the ergonomics, trigger and shape of the old LCP better.
    Plus the newer LCP II never came with a stainless slide that I'm aware of.
    Nevertheless, in an effort to "Enable the Shinny", I had Robar Electroless Nickle plate the gun.
    They did a really great job and plated all the small metal parts too

  4. #1864
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Man that came out nice. Blingenest LCP I’ve ever seen! Pocket BBQ anyone?

  5. #1865
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns have arrived.
    Added Hogue grips and Galloway Stainless guide rods.
    Really digging the upgraded cocking serrations and aluminum skeletonized trigger.
    Ruger has managed well keeping these original style LCP’s on the market and relevant for what they were designed for. I do like there 2nd generation trigger much better than the original too. My second one I bought for my late dad and now have again is in my desk drawer right near my car keys. If I can’t carry something bigger ( or I’m just lazy) in the pocket it goes. Oldest son now carries my original in its 13 year old Blackhawk holster.
    Last edited by yqtszhj; 01-26-2024 at 07:23 AM. Reason: Spelling
    The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.

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  6. #1866
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    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    That magwell and magwell grips really smooths out/complete's the bottom area dao. Not on my 2 polishing projects, but plan to do those on my next officer. I like both looks (traditional pin cutout and magwell), but I do think the magwell & grips make for a cleaner, less mechanical or utilitarian look, if that even makes sense? 樂 I'm not 100% settled on the Gunsite grips I put on the V10. I may be getting some mother of pearl or some sort of bone grips. While not putting a magwell on it, those grips would definitely be magwell bottomed.
    I think magwell, flat-bottomed grips clean up a gun too, even without an actual magwell. Also, for me they help a gun fit my hand better.

    Here's a Rock Island Armory 9mm Officer's I also picked up this week. I wouldn't have bought this one if not for the fact that only RIA and Girsan sell steel framed Officer's models these days. And I wanted a steel framed 9mm to compliment my ECO lightweight. Lots of MIM on these. And the finish was hideous. Like you Bird I found a lot of imperfections once I removed the paint(?). Unlike you I only did a quick polish of the flats. I'm thinking even if I took hundreds of hours to try and make something that would mimic what you do, it would still essentially be like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If there's a next time I might buy a Girsan. Between Tisas and this RIA there is no comparison. Tisas does it better. Much better. If they ever make a 3.5" I'll buy one of those. Also, I tried three different magwells on this and none would fit. I have a cheap Klonimus coming that I'm hoping will work.

    Before and after
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  7. #1867
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Dang man, that looks a million times better than stock. What grit did you end with? Looks pretty smooth. #1200?

  8. #1868
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks Bird. Started with 600, 800 then 1000. Up close you can still see the ripples in the metal. I guess RIA doesn't make them flat.

  9. #1869
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Thanks Bird. Started with 600, 800 then 1000. Up close you can still see the ripples in the metal. I guess RIA doesn't make them flat.
    I’ve yet to find one that’s super flat. But, can’t beat how that one came out. I’d be showing it off!

  10. #1870
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Upstate, South Carolina


    DAO, looking at those officer models, reminded me why I like vintage Dan Wesson so much. The DW's always had rounded corners on the backstrap/main spring housing.
    NRA Benefactor

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