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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2031
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Light Bulb Facing the Facts

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Nice one! Tasteful upgrades and in just the right caliber!
    For years I swore I wasn't a collector.
    Told myself and others that I only bought guns I needed and would actually use.
    But after regaining my SS USPc 45.
    I preceded to purchase two more SS USPc guns!
    One in 9mm and one in 40 S&W for the Trifecta
    A this point I had to realize that I'm a liar - LOL!

  2. #2032
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Barth View Post
    For years I swore I wasn't a collector.
    Told myself and others that I only bought guns I needed and would actually use.
    But after regaining my SS USPc 45.
    I preceded to purchase two more SS USPc guns!
    One in 9mm and one in 40 S&W for the Trifecta
    A this point I had to realize that I'm a liar - LOL!
    They just suck us right in, don't they?!?! 😁 Something tells me there will be more HK's in your future. Prove me wrong! 😂

  3. #2033
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    dao, what if I warsh that revolver real good before returning it? 😂 Eeeeeeew!

  4. #2034
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Upstate, South Carolina


    Y'all know we need to start a new thread, something like BSing about guns. This one has over 2000 post.
    Anyhow, so far, I have only let two guns go. I bought a Bersa .380 at a great price, used. It shot great, it was a blow back design, fairly large, similar to a Beretta .380.
    Sold to a woman, who liked the minimal recoil.
    2nd one was a Ruger LCR in .357, I bought it from a guy who said, he could not handle the recoil, came with 45 rounds of .357 ammo.
    I figured he was a pu$$y and I would be the boss. WOW, it hurt my hand so much shooting full load .357 magnums. It felt like a fire cr@cker went off in my hand (I know how that feels, from an ill spent youth),
    I traded it (and 35 rounds) for a Gen3, Glock 19, with tritium sites, and had a trigger job, I was happy with the trade., I have a hand full of pistols, I shoot all the time, most of them, I rarely shoot. Since I'm getting older, with no kids, have been thinking about selling a few. But can't bring myself to part with them.
    Last edited by kenemoore; 02-11-2024 at 05:31 AM.
    NRA Benefactor

  5. #2035
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    That's me too. I should be parting with them although I have kids who will have a field day when they nail the lid shut. I kind of consider them a 401K for the wife who undoubtedly and hopefully will out live me. Alas I still find myself adding too, can't part with any. Sold or traded several and regretted it every single time. Looking back some of the trades were genuine foolishness. Can't believe I did that kind of thing.
    Me and my son rented a LCR which I think is what you meant instead of LCP. Had to use range ammo. I shot one cylinder and told my son it was all his. Fire ******* in hand is fitting although it might have been an M80. I had no use or desire for that thing.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  6. #2036
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    OMG! Drool, drool, drool! Is it wrong to want to sleep with a revolver?
    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    dao, what if I warsh that revolver real good before returning it?  Eeeeeeew!
    Well, if it isn't mine don't matter to me if you warsh it or not. If it was mine though, I'd have to divorce her, er I mean it, afterwards

    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    That's me too. I should be parting with them although I have kids who will have a field day when they nail the lid shut. I kind of consider them a 401K for the wife who undoubtedly and hopefully will out live me. Alas I still find myself adding too, can't part with any. Sold or traded several and regretted it every single time. Looking back some of the trades were genuine foolishness. Can't believe I did that kind of thing.
    Me and my son rented a LCR which I think is what you meant instead of LCP. Had to use range ammo. I shot one cylinder and told my son it was all his. Fire ******* in hand is fitting although it might have been an M80. I had no use or desire for that thing.
    I tell my wife the same thing Colonel. I even have a buyer lined up for her who she knows. Easy peasy for her to put them all in her car and walk them into his store. If they don't go down in the boat before then that is.

  7. #2037
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I've sold but mostly traded many. It gave me the opportunity to shoot many different handguns without spending lots of denaro. It also gives that opportunity to others. I wish I had a few back. Had a Walther P99AS, pretty slick firearm. Not worth a lot but I liked it. Had a Sig P220 SAS that was really nice, but I only keep what I'm going to shoot. Grip was a bit large for my hand. I sold a mint older model Ruger Speed Six in 9mm stainless. My type of firearm. That one physically hurt. I did sell it to a guy who fell and injured his wrist pretty bad. He and his wife were avid shooters, and he couldn't work a slide anymore. I thought he was going to cry when he saw it and the fact that I was willing to sell it to him. So, it took a bit of the sting away.....................

  8. #2038
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by berettabone View Post
    I've sold but mostly traded many. It gave me the opportunity to shoot many different handguns without spending lots of denaro. It also gives that opportunity to others. I wish I had a few back. Had a Walther P99AS, pretty slick firearm. Not worth a lot but I liked it. Had a Sig P220 SAS that was really nice, but I only keep what I'm going to shoot. Grip was a bit large for my hand. I sold a mint older model Ruger Speed Six in 9mm stainless. My type of firearm. That one physically hurt. I did sell it to a guy who fell and injured his wrist pretty bad. He and his wife were avid shooters, and he couldn't work a slide anymore. I thought he was going to cry when he saw it and the fact that I was willing to sell it to him. So, it took a bit of the sting away.....................
    That Sir, is a great reason to sell a gun...

  9. #2039
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Well, if it isn't mine don't matter to me if you warsh it or not. If it was mine though, I'd have to divorce her, er I mean it, afterwards

    I’m like you guys, other than a few sell offs to do what I thought was wise at the time (needed $)…
    I started out trying to find the perfect gun. The best one for carry, the best one for the home defense role, the best one for the pocket. This one would pinch me. That one would not drop a mag. Then one would not have such a good grip feel. Etc. etc. I would let it go, use the funds for the next, but mean while get to shoot that new to me one for a bit at literally no cost because I either sold the last one or because I traded for the new one.
    These days though, kinda set on the carry, the nightstand, the wife’s gun. Now it’s all about either getting cool stuff, stuff I’m feeling is a good retirement diversification plan, or something I see as a diamond in the rough and can be prettied up while having fun with it.

  10. #2040
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Light Bulb It's the journey, not the destination

    I think all of us have been in the never ending search for the perfect carry and/or nightstand gun.
    Thing is, it seems like the journey may be more important than the destination.
    Even when it feels like I've finally got things sorted out?
    I'm still not satisfied and want to carry on the search

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