I had a Bersa 380 too. Nothing wrong with it, it was nice, but the grip cramped my fingers. It felt too small. And my hands are average sized.
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911
https://www.kahrtalk.com/attachment....1&d=1707593221 Speaking of hats..........everyone in the family wears one. Keeps the head warm and the sun out of the eyes and the bird s#!t out of the hair.
Oh, that’s dangerous ground there. Searching for the perfect gun is like a fun game. Searching for the perfect wimmin is like going on safari and includes all the risk. Wild animals that want to eat you, quick sand, cannibals, head hunters, slave traders, those that hold you for ransom, the natives are all painted up, b00bie traps, and more risk that can be named.
Best to find one that doesn’t cost too much and fits what’s inside your waistband and just maintain that one. With proper maintenance it can serve a good purpose for a long time.
The only thing better than having all the guns and ammo you'd ever need would be being able to shoot it all off the back porch.
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^^^^ Well said!
As my wife would say, "Awwwww".
Love our Shepherds too.
Life is easier with one woman. And more than one gun. More gratifying too. Oddly, less dangerous as well.
LOL, I completely misunderstood the question
For me absolutely not.
I've been married twice and had to weather four divorces!
Don't ask how that's possible, truth is stranger than fiction
I'm a slow learner but after being burned at the stake over and over.
I'm done.
Can't possibly imagine surviving one more divorce (financially or emotionally).
Won't take the chance.
I'm living the rest of my life happy and free!