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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2141
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    Great grips on those snakes! That ebony begs to be caressed.
    Agreed! Very nice combo there!

  2. #2142
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    I managed to get the SP101 22 apart and back together. I'm not gonna polish anything this trip. When the springs arrive I'll put them in and see how it goes. My trigger (actually the wifes gun) measures just like a video I watched. Little over 10lbs. If like they say it goes down to 6 DA and 3 SA it will be a whole new ball game. Kind of anxious to see if it works.
    Tried this on the wifes Smith 638, as I recall I replaced one spring but got skeered on the 2nd so didn't do it. Didn't help much. Guess I'm a coward.
    Boy am I dumb, waiting for my SP101 Springs, I was routing through my stuff looking for something else and gosh durned if I didn't come across not one but two SP101 spring kits from Wilson???? Guess I couldn't figure out how to get in to the trigger so I set them aside, why I got two is a mystery although my original plan was to get the 357 for a pair, but found it to be too heavy for the wife's purse. I'll wait for the MCarbo kit as it has some hammer shims. I'll offer up at least one of these sets along with some other stuff in the swap, trade, give me that stuff thread.
    Maybe this ahlzeimers stuff is real.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  3. #2143
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Gib me dat!
    I’m tempted, but am a little far away from getting back into the sp101 project. That, and like you I may need those shims. I can’t say. It’s been a bit since I fooled with it. All those poor little pieces, in separate little baggies, in the back of that dark closet, as the world turns.

  4. #2144
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    My Cobra, first close to real caliber gun I ever bought. It replaced a Colt Agent that got stolen. Yours is shinier. Mine was carried for many years in an earlier life.

    My ebony grips with the original grips.

    Those are nice Colonel! Looks like a full grip too. I can’t stand a danglin pinky, more so on something with kick.

  5. #2145
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    Feb 2018


    Got my ECO and RIA to the range today. Only put 100rds downrange between both of them. Bird, the RIA is a very soft shooter! I had one stovepipe with it, and a few failures to go completely into battery. A light push on the back of the slide was all it took to send it home though. Being a stainless gun I'm pretty sure it was a bit dry and that's what caused it, as I had it apart a few times since I oiled it initially. the stovepipe was more than likely my fault due to my grip. The extraction other than that one instance was consistent, so I think my adjustment to the extractor must have been pretty close to optimal. the 115gr ball I put through it barely lifted the muzzle. The 124gr HST I ran gave a bit more rise, but both were very soft, especially compared to my Colt OACP with 230gr ball

    My ECO ran flawlessly with the exception of a couple of times where it stopped about 1/32" short of going completely into battery. Again just a soft push on the back of the slide sent it home. It too may have been a bit dry given that I had it apart a few times replacing the trigger, and then adjusting the sear spring to increase the trigger weight, since oiling it. I shot the ECO first and felt that it was extremely soft shooting. And it was, especially compared to my PM9 and P938. If not for the inevitable comparison to the RIA after then shooting it, which weighs half a pound more I would been even more impressed with the ECO.

    Both guns felt great and helped me be a better shooter. While I love my Kahrs and their triggers, (hence my DAO screen name), it's hard to beat a 1911 trigger for enabling me to keep the front sight on target while I squeeze a shot.

    Here are my Officers with their new triggers. I only replaced the triggers so they're all the same length now, and put a black one on the ECO, I did not do anything to the interface between the sear and hammer.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #2146
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by BirdsThaWord View Post
    Gib me dat!
    I’m tempted, but am a little far away from getting back into the sp101 project. That, and like you I may need those shims. I can’t say. It’s been a bit since I fooled with it. All those poor little pieces, in separate little baggies, in the back of that dark closet, as the world turns.
    I put the Wilson springs in the SP101 22. It had a major impact on the single action, like down to under 3#, didn't seem to help on the scale as much only losing about 2 #'s but it feels a ton better with the finger. I'll see what the MCarbo springs look like and play a bit and see if I can get the DA down a bit more, although I'm completely happy as it is, feels better or maybe my finger is just having a good day?
    Anyhow I'll have some springs and probably shims for ya, in case you get the box out of the back of the closet.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  7. #2147
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Got my ECO and RIA to the range today. Only put 100rds downrange between both of them. Bird, the RIA is a very soft shooter! I had one stovepipe with it, and a few failures to go completely into battery. A light push on the back of the slide was all it took to send it home though. Being a stainless gun I'm pretty sure it was a bit dry and that's what caused it, as I had it apart a few times since I oiled it initially. the stovepipe was more than likely my fault due to my grip. The extraction other than that one instance was consistent, so I think my adjustment to the extractor must have been pretty close to optimal. the 115gr ball I put through it barely lifted the muzzle. The 124gr HST I ran gave a bit more rise, but both were very soft, especially compared to my Colt OACP with 230gr ball

    My ECO ran flawlessly with the exception of a couple of times where it stopped about 1/32" short of going completely into battery. Again just a soft push on the back of the slide sent it home. It too may have been a bit dry given that I had it apart a few times replacing the trigger, and then adjusting the sear spring to increase the trigger weight, since oiling it. I shot the ECO first and felt that it was extremely soft shooting. And it was, especially compared to my PM9 and P938. If not for the inevitable comparison to the RIA after then shooting it, which weighs half a pound more I would been even more impressed with the ECO.

    Both guns felt great and helped me be a better shooter. While I love my Kahrs and their triggers, (hence my DAO screen name), it's hard to beat a 1911 trigger for enabling me to keep the front sight on target while I squeeze a shot.

    Here are my Officers with their new triggers. I only replaced the triggers so they're all the same length now, and put a black one on the ECO, I did not do anything to the interface between the sear and hammer.
    Thanks for the report dao! It sounds like you are a happy camper with both of them. Those slights I too would attribute to break in an/or lube. Too new to say. Totally agree about the 1911 trigger. Nothing like it! : )
    I was thinking the RIA would be a softy. It’s such a lil chunker for a 9mm. Lol! The mods you’ve done are very tasteful and it sounds like everything worked out well. Love it when a plan comes together! I’m getting me one of those Harrison triggers (as I posted in another forum) based on you getting them, but the mediums in silver were out of stock. Normally I’d be impatient and just go ahead with the WC version, but will be patient AND save a few bucks for doing so. So may parts/tools that are needed/wanted on these projects that I’m finding myself being extra frugal, but not pound foolish. Congrats again on a great day at the range with the dao improved officers!

  8. #2148
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    I put the Wilson springs in the SP101 22. It had a major impact on the single action, like down to under 3#, didn't seem to help on the scale as much only losing about 2 #'s but it feels a ton better with the finger. I'll see what the MCarbo springs look like and play a bit and see if I can get the DA down a bit more, although I'm completely happy as it is, feels better or maybe my finger is just having a good day?
    Anyhow I'll have some springs and probably shims for ya, in case you get the box out of the back of the closet.
    Awesome and thank you. Also, thanks for the report on the “seat of the pants” feel. I hope you’ll swap ‘em out and do a comparison report on the WC vs the MCarbo. I think I’d be fine either way, as I do intend to do all of those lil polishing points anyway, but would like for it to be the top notchest it can be!

  9. #2149
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks Bird. I've found myself looking for neglected guns on GB that I can adopt, bring home, and tune up. Gotta wait for the right one to show up. And patience is not my long suit.

  10. #2150
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Thanks Bird. I've found myself looking for neglected guns on GB that I can adopt, bring home, and tune up. Gotta wait for the right one to show up. And patience is not my long suit.
    Ahhh, now you’ve been bitten by the bug, seeing the diamonds in the rough. I love getting a great deal by buying someone else’s easily fixable trouble, ill maintained, or Bubba’d up guns on the cheap. I wish I took pics of that early on project K9. Guy sold it to me for $300 for a reason. It was ROUGH!
    Good luck on your hunt my friend. Finding those diamonds is half the fun if you ask me!

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