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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2261
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    I took a file, sandpaper and whatever else I could find to work the outside of the antler grips. I gained a bit of thin but not sure it's enough for my taste. I did the dye thing again and then sanded like I normally do. I like the looks better but on the gun it still doesn't sing to me. It's starting to hum a bit. I'm beginning to think, stick with the VZ or I just got a couple pieces of Coco Bolo with a little input from Bird. Might have to whittle some out for the U.
    JMHO........Looks like it will be a fine carry gun. Always liked the look of their trigger guard. I can see flat mag bases the same color as the grip safety. I could also see deep/red grips. I don't know if you have any other firearms with red grippers, you could have lost them all in that boating accident.............

  2. #2262
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Cocobolo on a black gun is hard to beat for looks. Add some of your talented checkering and it would be a home run Colonel. And in terms of what bb is saying, red-tinted cocobolo would be a grand slam!

  3. #2263
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Coco Bolo is almost always very red. Red in wood means toxic but I don't care. Years ago when I first became a derelict I had access to LOTS of Coco Bolo. I was much younger and I'd often checker and whittle (with the nekkid eye) all night long. The lines in my hands, you know the ones the palm readers read, would be solid red. My shirts would be red around the color. I think there was Coco Bolo in my blood and probably still is. The lines and the collars eventually cleared up back to normal.
    I'm with you guys. It's summer here today so I'm doing things a derelict shouldn't be doing like moving gravel with a wheelbarrow, only a yard and a half or so, but tonight while wife watches "Bachelor". I hate that show. So drug out. Just line em up in tight T shirts, wet em down and make your choice and move onto Wagon Train reruns ya know.
    Anyhow I digress, during "Bachelor" I'll start whittling the Coco Bolo. It's the right thing to do.

    Yall think Skip Line or regular checkering?
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  4. #2264
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


  5. #2265
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


  6. #2266
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I believe these are cocobolo. They're a little more subdued. Unless they're something else?
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  7. #2267
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    So drug out. Just line em up in tight T shirts, wet em down and make your choice and move onto Wagon Train reruns ya know.”
    Now that had me chucklin!
    I like really red (kinda like those 2 beretta posted) On a black gun. I can’t wait to get me another black 1911 and send you some of those scales of the firey looking stabilized stuff I saw. If I could get a set of those like you build, put on a black 1911, I’ll be in heaven!

  8. #2268
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Well I'm in deep in Coco Bolo sawdust. Seem to have lost my immunity. Eyes are dying, I wore a mask when belt sanding, you can still smell and taste the sweetness of the wood. Even semi numbs the hands a bit with the filing and sanding. I did a little boo boo on the mounting holes but was a pretty easy fix. Very unusual piece of wood. I rather fond of it and I bet it's just gonna pop when I get some oil on it. Think I might half checker it so I get both texture and some real grain.
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    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  9. #2269
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Oh wow! That is some interesting looking wood. Also looks like carrot shavings/dust everywhere. Be careful man.
    They are looking good. I like the dark stripe in them.

  10. #2270
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Looking very good Colonel! I do believe your right about the oil, they're gonna come alive. As Bird said, do be careful!!!

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