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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2281
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I think you're gonna like that very much Bird. In my limited experience with a very small sample size to draw from Tisas does better metal work then RIA. Also based on that if I was looking for a base gun I would choose Tisas over RIA for sure. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised one day to see that Tisas is releasing a 3.5" with an all steel frame and slide. I can't afford a custom, and I'm not aware of any high end maker of a 3.5" in all steel, other than Alpha Foxtrot which is pretty pricey also, so Tisas is my biggest hope. I predict that one is going to be very pretty when you're done with it!

  2. #2282
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Thanks dao. I got to fondle it a bit. It did look well put together, smoothly finished and had no large gaps in the rear (slide to frame), as well as no slide rattle. Racked smooth too. I’m really not sure what I’ll end up doing. A 2 tone was really not something I had considered, so it will take some thought on how to bling it up. Thanks for your vote of confidence on it! I read a little about them after and like you, others had good things to say about them.
    I had to look up Alpha Foxtrot. Nice looking stuff! I’m hoping you get your wish on the 3.5” Tisas as the AF stuff is pricey to start! I’ve not bought any of their stuff, but we have a 1911 maker down here by the name of Fusion Firearms. I know they make a 3.5” all steel one. Kind of upper entry level stuff from what I’ve heard.

  3. #2283
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    dao... since we can't post pics in the pm's, here's what I was talking about on those thumb safeties. 1st pic is a Garisson, 2nd is the CCO. Sure looks the same to me! I like the profile, and how thick they are.

  4. #2284
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  5. #2285
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Those look like EGW's Bird. But even if they're not, it's the profile that I really like too. My EGW thumb safety should be here tomorrow so I can fit it to my RIA. The new beavertail should be here Friday and I'll fit that. Then it will be done with the exception of the flat wire recoil spring I'm going to try in it.

    Colonel, I heard Massad Ayoob say that 9mm 1911's are outselling all others now. So it's not just us here that are enjoying them. I'd venture to say that Boomers are the largest demographic in terms of 1911 use and ownership and so it would make sense that less recoil is driving the rise of 9mm units. But boy howdy the thought of that would have been pure sacriledge 30 years ago, wouldn't it?

    Until yesterday I always used a paperclip when field stripping my RIA. But after reading your post I decided to try it without one, and found that just as you said the spring is not that strong and so taking it down that way poses no problem. I do pull the slide back and insert the clip when I'm putting it back together, but only because I like to use both hands when seating the slide stop when I can.

  6. #2286
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.
    Thank you sir! We’ve got those RIA 9’s, so yer secret is safe. We must maintain those man cards. Can’t imagine life without them.
    I may be placing an order for some dark wood grips for this one. Assuming I can find a grip maker who is willing and able. Seems tough to find these days!

  7. #2287
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Anxious to see the safety you get. If it does look like those I want one for the RIA as well. Heck, I’ll get them for just about everything here forward.
    I think I got a lot of flack back when I was shooting that Colt Competition in 9mm from the hard core, traditionalist. I found myself explaining why when talking about it. Fast forward to today and you are correct, the 9mm is catching on. I had nicknamed that Colt “Buttercup” because it shot so good, so smooth, so soft after the 45’s. Lately I’ve been reading that they re-tooled or re-released and people are calling them rattle traps. Mine was not. Anyone I let shoot it absolutely loved it. Only my comped Beretta’s shoot as soft as it did. Miss it, but afraid to get the new one after what I’ve been reading.

  8. #2288
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I think you'll like the way your RIA feels Bird. I shot 115gr FMJ, and 124gr JHP out of mine, standard pressures and I thought it to be very soft shooting with both. I'll post a pic of the gun after I fit the safety on it.

  9. #2289
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    I think you'll like the way your RIA feels Bird. I shot 115gr FMJ, and 124gr JHP out of mine, standard pressures and I thought it to be very soft shooting with both. I'll post a pic of the gun after I fit the safety on it.
    I’m looking forward to shooting it. This weekend, I plan to either pour some epoxy grips, or start in on the finishing of the frame. Either one will be exciting. Once I do those 2 things, I will temporarily reassemble and get some enjoyment out of it. I still have a few upgrades (some copying you) but may put it aside as I finish others. (The full sized Colt needs some attention) I think I have about 90% 115gr, so should be gentle going, but hopefully enough to cycle the new spring. I’ve had that paper clip inserted since disassembly, so I may have ruined that spring. I have to look back and see what you guys said about a different disassembly method. I’ll know come 1st day at the range.

  10. #2290
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    The new flat wire springs I bought are only 16lbs, as opposed to the 22/23lbs for the .45. So it really doesn't take much to break it down. Without the paperclip it's not much different than breaking down a Sig. I'm sure it would go back together without the clip also, but I didn't want to chance putting an idiot scratch in it. One of these days I should file a relief in the slide stop so it slides over the plunger detent easier. Then it would be much easier and safer to push it in with one hand.

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