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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2291
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    The new flat wire springs I bought are only 16lbs, as opposed to the 22/23lbs for the .45. So it really doesn't take much to break it down. Without the paperclip it's not much different than breaking down a Sig. I'm sure it would go back together without the clip also, but I didn't want to chance putting an idiot scratch in it. One of these days I should file a relief in the slide stop so it slides over the plunger detent easier. Then it would be much easier and safer to push it in with one hand.
    I've filed that relief notch in all my 1911's except the last couple. I need to do that. It does simplify life immensely and of course avoids the idiot scratch. Course in my case maybe the scratch would be appropriate?

    I got the first pass of checkering done on the Coco Bolo. Looking good so far and the grain shows through so you can't really even see the checkering. Need at least two more passes to get them pointed up. Don't for today, time to hit the pillow.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  2. #2292
    Join Date
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    Twin Cities MN.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bawanna View Post
    350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.
    Did it come with the bag?
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    "Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
    I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!

  3. #2293
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R

    Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?

  4. #2294
    Join Date
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    Jax, Fla


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R

    Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?
    I don't think that's a douche. But, I've been wrong before...
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  5. #2295
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R

    Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?
    Yes on the half checkering. So far.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  6. #2296
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    A secret door? Would that make it concealed carry?

  7. #2297
    Join Date
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    Upstate, South Carolina


    I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

    So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
    I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

    What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?
    NRA Benefactor

  8. #2298
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Silicon Valley, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I don't think that's a douche. But, I've been wrong before...
    Could be a douche, could be a hair dryer, could be lotsa things . . .
    The Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 broom, for instance:

    "a vibrating toy broom children are expected to put between their legs and “fly” around on."
    Apparently got great reviews:

    • “‘When my 12-year-old daughter asked for this for her birthday, I kind of wondered if she was too old for it, but she seems to LOVE it. Her friends love it too! They play for hours in her bedroom with this great toy. They really seem to like the special effects it offers (the sound effects and vibrating). My oldest daughter (17) really likes it too! I recommend this for all children.”

  9. #2299
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    Quote Originally Posted by kenemoore View Post
    I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

    So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
    I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

    What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?
    I was all set to say go with the 9 until I saw the word sissified. Stick with the 45. I'll know more hopefully when I light off this Officer MRI. Hope it's manageable. Pray it's manageable. I've pretty much carried commanders all day for years. Occasionally carry a 5''er but while I love it, the extra length is a little uncomfy being a full time sitter. The slightly shorter commander rides nice, and I suspect the Officer will ride even nicer.
    For some reason I carried my 365 for awhile and of course it's way shorter and rides high but the commander just felt better on the hip.
    I too wear em all day every day. I climb out of bed into the chair, gun goes on the hip, goes off when I get back in the bed. Last couple days I probably should have took it off shoveling a couple yards of gravel (not fun) and next day moving a couple cords of wood. All the bending and reaching in the chair, the arm rest beat the gun and my bowie knife (left side) into my side until I was bruised. But I'll be ok, its supposed to be comforting not comfortable.
    I'm back to kind of leaning towards the 9 for you. Incidently the 9 mags still fit nice in the 45 mag pouch so that has to be worth something.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  10. #2300
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    OMG... the toy stuff!!! Ya'lls comments and that broom review!!! 😂😂😂
    Ken, try that 9. You have so many nice 45's, why not give it a whirl? So long as you get a good one, I think you'll like it.
    I know what you mean about buying used. I've bought others problems in the past. Luckily, most were easy fixes, making them still a great deal. I was looking at that Tank Commander and Tanker. Nice looking guns. I would have gotten the Tank Commander over the Tanker too. Looks more authentic.

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