Congrats on the mower Ken! Mighty satisfying to have the right tools. Reduction of pain and a decrease in labor are a win every time. I always love upgrading to the right tools. Hope you are right about our next POTUS!
I fitted the WC trigger today, made it a bit shiny, cleaned up the slide flats a bit, then put it all together. I will eventually Bird shine those flats, the trigger and the controls, but ready to get back to the Colt project now. Going to stick this one in the safe until the next range day. 20240325_185914.jpg 20240325_190043.jpg 20240325_185708.jpg
Last edited by BirdsThaWord; 03-25-2024 at 07:03 PM.
I should wear a bib to catch all the drool while reading this thread.
All I have to contribute today are these two bargain basement Triple K holsters that were on sale for $25.99 each from ShopRuger.
The Birdshead Single Seven with 3.75” barrel fits the 4.62” length black holster well enough in the meantime until the shorter version goes on sale too.
My 65 year old Single Six I bought new at age 15 is finally happy to have some leather to ride in after all these years.
It fits near perfect in the tan 5.5” holster and will conform better after warming it more on the windowsill in the sunlight and wigglin’ it around a bit.
Sorry, but this site will not upload the pics from my iPad.
Edited to add:
Trying it this way:
Last edited by Armybrat; 03-28-2024 at 04:44 PM.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
Sounds like some great finds Army, and some nice guns you're resting in them! That's pretty cool you've kept that one all these years! Very few can say such a thing. 😎
Quite an accomplishment AB, hanging onto a gun that long!
Bird, last night I was trying to find a tattoo that the work on your gun reminds me of, but couldn't. Tonight the name popped into my head. It is Maori. They're an indigenous tribe from New Zealand. Here's an example. There is no one, single pattern of them, but this one comes closest to what your gun reminds me of. It's looking great by the way!
Wow! That’s a cool pattern/tattoo! I think I’ve actually heard that name, Maori before. That would also look good, in my opinion, scrimshawed onto some ivory grips.
Search for Maori tattoo, and then switch your search to images. They can be pretty elaborate.
Just did. Some great art in there. Those guys with the face tats, and the women with the chin tats… SCARY people!
If someone could mask up a gun with some of that art it would come out pretty cool. The laser engravers could do it no problem.