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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2581
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Talking Sunday Shoot Around

    Not a new gun.
    But todays Sunday Shoot Around -

  2. #2582
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I've been jonesing over a P2K lately Barth. I used to have one in .40S&W but of late I'm thinking about a 9mm. They are a perfect size gun, with a good balance of concealability, capacity, and sight radius.

  3. #2583
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    I've been jonesing over a P2K lately Barth. I used to have one in .40S&W but of late I'm thinking about a 9mm. They are a perfect size gun, with a good balance of concealability, capacity, and sight radius.
    I have the P2SK in .40. Nicest shooting gun I've owned to date...............

  4. #2584
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    When I had my P2K in .40 I also had a P2KSK in 9mm. The reason I let them go was because the grips just didn't feel right to me without sleeves. And I don't like sleeves. Especially after I held a P30. So now I've replaced them with a P30 and a P30SK, also in .40 and 9mm respectively. But I like the looks of the P2K family much better. I've got some picatinny rail covers coming. They're supposed to be a slim profile and I'm hoping they will cover the rails on my current HKs without adding any bulk to the front end. It shouldn't matter but looks are important to me when it comes to firearms. I guess that's why I've been drawn to 1911s late in life. Before I did my P30SK was my goto carry. Great little package.

  5. #2585
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    The P30 is a nice feeling firearm. One time while the wifey and I were gun window shopping, I had her handle a P30. We had looked at many, many guns that day. Out of all of the firearms we handled, she said that she liked the feel of a Model 10 S&W and the P30 the best. I like the feel of my P2SK. I have tried Pachmayr grip sleeves and Gripsaver sleeves, but they never quite stay in place. They need to make them a bit tougher/smaller to get on and even then, I don't know if they would stay in place. A while back I decided to put some Talon's on. I've had them before and really liked them. The old ones were getting a bit worn out. A bit pricey for a decal but I really like the feel and they don't bulk up the grip.

  6. #2586
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Round Rock, Texas


    I had almost forgotten what a real gun felt like….
    A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
    -Rudyard Kipling

  7. #2587
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by Armybrat View Post
    I had almost forgotten what a real gun felt like….
    That’s a real gun, for sure!

  8. #2588
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Cool New Guns are so Much Fun

    Quote Originally Posted by Armybrat View Post
    I had almost forgotten what a real gun felt like….
    There's definitely something special about a classic 1911.

    Going shooting with my mom and dad next Sunday.
    My mother doesn't like the size/weight of my dad's Ruger Speed Six 357.
    So, he got a Taurus mid-sized 38 special (not sure of the model).
    I bought some Hornady Critical Defense 110 gr FTX ammo for them.
    We will give the revolver a spin LOL!

    I'm bringing my Dan Wesson V-Bob 45 along for the ride
    Can't seem to get enough of shooting that gun ...

    My new CZ 75 Compact is at the gunsmith getting selected Cajun Gun Works parts installed.
    I was thinking about an action job too.
    Seemed to me that cracking the gun open, disassembling, polishing and reassembling.
    Would be the same labor even with swapping the CGW parts for OEM?
    The gunsmith agreed and I'm getting a package deal of both for $125
    The factory SA was sweet already and the gun is a tack driver.
    Really looking forward to how it runs Cajunized!

    I got lucky with the parts too.
    Was going to just get the defensive package, but it was out of stock.
    So, I selected and bought the parts I wanted separately.
    I'm going with the OEM Trigger Return Spring rather than the CGW Light version.
    Should give me a more positive reset and a slightly heavier SA pull.
    Very Excited

  9. #2589
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    That sounds like a pretty good price to have someone els3 do all the work and be responsible for it if things don't work. Have fun shooting with your parents. Wish I could have done so.

  10. #2590
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    So many guns. So little time. So little money. That is a real gun AB. Handsome too.
    I'll be you're gonna be real pleased when your CZ come home Barth. I've heard good things about the upgrades on them. Can't remember, is your a decocker or a safety model?

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