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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2681
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Ours used to be just that as well. If the left has it their way your days of waiting won't be far away.

  2. #2682
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    This arrived at my LGS today so I got to go up and fill out the paperwork and start the waiting process. Kimber Micro 380 CDP LG. She's two years old and dirty but I'm not sure if it's from being fired. I sure like guns with melted edges.
    Nice looking lil one dao. Can't miss with the CT!
    Yes, they sure did melt that one!

  3. #2683
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks Bird.

    I was looking for either a Sig P238 SAS, P238 Legion, or one of these. After about a week of looking here and there this is all that I found. Not disappointed at all. I had a P938 SAS, (it and the P238 SAS have the same color combination as the Kimber CDP's), that I shined the slide up on. I came to regret that after awhile because I felt that the matte stainless look just "fit" better with the black frame and red grips than the polished slide did. I'll leave this one as is.

  4. #2684
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    Thanks Bird.

    I was looking for either a Sig P238 SAS, P238 Legion, or one of these. After about a week of looking here and there this is all that I found. Not disappointed at all. I had a P938 SAS, (it and the P238 SAS have the same color combination as the Kimber CDP's), that I shined the slide up on. I came to regret that after awhile because I felt that the matte stainless look just "fit" better with the black frame and red grips than the polished slide did. I'll leave this one as is.
    I’ve had my share of mini Sig 1911’s, but no .380’s other than the P238. I very much understand why you were looking for one. I still say/will always say that the P238’s (I had a few) for me had the best ergonomics (when with the Hogue grip), were the most accurate, best running (no failures, which I had with pretty much every other .380, due to my grip usually, unless we are talking about the 2 Mustangs I tried to love, but would not run) and overall just a joy to shoot or have others shoot (3 people I taught to shoot bought P238’s after I worked them through various other pistols). Why do I not have one as a b.u.g? Thumb safety, a bit too much (width & weight) for the pocket, only “fit” well with the extended/pinky grip mag, just too dang tiny to grab out of a hip holster. Would I buy one again? Absolutely! I regret not having one. If I were to take a new shooter to the range I would regret it even more. I hope you enjoy the lil Kimber as much as I did the P238’s!!!

  5. #2685
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    My wife has a P238 SAS. I can't remember if I've shot it or not but she sure likes it. She started with a PM9 which she shot very well, but doesn't have the grip strength to charge it. She also has a P938 which she also likes but I think the 238 is what she favors. I have a P380 which is arguably just too small for me, but it has been my "no excuses" gun for a long time. Because I've since gotten so heavily into SAO guns and 1911s in particular I'm hoping my Micro will become my new take it anywhere gun. I have another Micro that I've never carried and like the 238 I can get a full grip on it with the 7rd mag, which is something I cannot do with the P380. The one I have, a Micro Eclipse is really an investment gun but this Micro will be carried so long as it runs right. Another important thing (to me), about the CDP is that it has ambi safeties which is something I wanted in my BUG so that I can use it left handed if the need arises.

  6. #2686
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    Feb 2018


    This is not mine, and I won't be bidding on it. Right now it's at $350. A very nice looking Commander, and it's good to see that someone besides Tisas is offering what looks to be an affordable, quality built gun of this type. And this one should be near and dear to our hearts. Beautiful reproduction.
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  7. #2687
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    That unless someone is very lucky will climb immensely in the day that it has left. Buy now price of 699 is still a good price. Hopefully someone will get lucky and it will go unnoticed. Wish it was me. I love that thing.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  8. #2688
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I think the $699 will be about the street price Colonel. I'd love to see Kahr step up their 1911 game and start coming out with new models.

    I decided to go ahead and try to bob my Garrison. I had to center the jig with an 11/32" bit into the left side of the jig, then mount the gun and swap the bit out to the normal 5/32". And that worked pretty well. I then flipped the jig and gun over to do the other side. If I had flipped them the first time I used it I wouldn't have ruined the jig as I did. I still had to work on the holes with a chamfer bit to relieve enough material to allow the pin to slide through, because the holes were still a bit off from each other. But it ended up turning out pretty well, and better than the Tisas. I also kept the table and drill press vice up closer to the head of the press, eliminatiing most of the runout. If I was doing this as a business I'd have to have a much better drill press. As well as these turned out I still wouldn't feel right about taking somebody's money for the jobs.

    The MSH I used is for a Sig Nightmare Fastback. I picked it up on eBay for $10, complete. So it's more or less dedicated to this gun now.
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  9. #2689
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    I'm prett well covered with Magnum Research 1911's and love them all. Going forward I'll be focusing on Auto Ordnance if there's time and loot ever becomes available. Both of course owned by Kahr.
    Auto Ordnance seems to stay pretty original 1911 oriented which to me is not a bad thing.
    So many guns, so little loot and time.

    My latest MRI 1911U has landed as a full time belt rider. I like it a lot. Goes on first thing, comes off last thing. Constant companion.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  10. #2690
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone

    Unhappy My Baby is Misbehaving

    Well, I'm loving my new CZ 75 Compact.
    Except it's misbehaving
    I've got around 500 rounds through it.
    And about 1 in 100 I'm getting what appears to be a dead trigger.
    Round ejects, next one loads, and the slide fully returns to battery.
    The hammer is fully cocked, safety is off, and the trigger will not release the hammer!
    I can rack the slide, ejecting the unfired round, reload the same round in the mag and shoot it fine.
    It's happened sporadically, with Geco/Blazer Brass/Winchester Nato 124 FMJs.
    Ran about 70 Federal HST 124s fine, but it seems to sh!ts the bed >100 rounds.
    This was to be a self-defense gun and that's just unacceptable.

    I thought about taking it back to the original gunsmith.
    But it seems like a hammer/sear/timing issue that might better be addressed by an expert.
    I do have CZ Custom in Mesa nearby, so I drove over there to see if they might be willing to fix it.
    No surprise, they don't like Cajun Gun Works parts and won't install/repair them.
    Only recommendation by the gunsmith was to replace the CGWs parts with CZ Custom parts.
    I'm having that done as we speak.
    I really love this gun and need to get it sorted out
    100 rounds of Winchester NATO this morning -

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