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Thread: Happiness is a new gun 2

  1. #2721
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    Quote Originally Posted by dao View Post
    The thing that has kept me from going down the .357 road is cost of the ammo,
    and the reports of the very high sound volume of the rounds being fired.
    With all due respect - I call "Bravo Sierra" on the sound issue.
    Microsoft PowerPoint - Firearm Sound Briefing.ppt (larsondavis.com)
    How Loud are the Weapons?
    P228 9mm 159-162 dB
    P229 .40 S&W 161-162 dB
    P229 .357 SIG 162-163 dB
    (All measured 1 meter to the left of the muzzle)Maximum Safe Sound Level

    357 Sig, to me, has a very distinctive sound.
    Like an AK vs an AR.
    But to me, it doesn't sound any louder than 40 S&W.
    Also, IMHO, reports of excessive blast and concussion are highly exaggerated.
    Especially with low flash fast burn defensive ammunition.

    Now the cost issue is definitely for real
    Particularly with range ammo.
    That's the main reason I can't, in good conscience, recommend the caliber to others.

    Also, availability of ammo and very few firearms options.
    Most manufactures (Hk and others) have stopped producing guns in that caliber.
    It's truly a niche round these days ...
    Last edited by Barth; 06-18-2024 at 03:45 PM.

  2. #2722
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Could very well be, but it's something that I've read time and time again on gun boards. Could be like perceived, or felt recoil though. What is heard by some as exceptionally loud may be not so much by others. Felt dB's?

  3. #2723
    Join Date
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    I would say it is louder. Kind of like shooting an AR with 223 verses 300 blackout loud.
    "Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
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  4. #2724
    Join Date
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    People complain the .22WMR and .327 FM are louder than other calibers, but they don’t seem noticeably different to me.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  5. #2725
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    Jax, Fla


    I swore off of 1911s because I couldn’t shoot them well. But I found a Citadel 5” with good 3 dot sights, factory new, for $389. Citadel is a good Philippine brand. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. So why am I thinking about it?
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  6. #2726
    Join Date
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    The Free Zone

    Cool 1911

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I swore off of 1911s because I couldn’t shoot them well. But I found a Citadel 5” with good 3 dot sights, factory new, for $389. Citadel is a good Philippine brand. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. So why am I thinking about it?
    Everybody needs a least one 1911
    I've rented Wilson Combat, Nighthawk and Kimber 1911s on several occasions.
    I think they were all full-size 5" government models.
    And I shot all of them Lights Out.
    So, I finally bought my one and only 1911.
    Wanted a single quality gun, but something I could carry.
    Settled on a Dan Wesson Valor V-Bob Commander 4.25" gun.
    They seem to have a consensus reputation for quality and accuracy.
    Although reliable, at least in my hands, for some reason the accuracy was disappointing
    Couldn't figure out why.
    The trigger is sweet, and I like Heinie Straight Eight sights?
    The gun did come with much sought after VZ Slim G10 grips.
    Then I read reports that some folks found these grips too slim and favored standard thickness.
    Got me thinking, the guns I rented, it seemed, had standard thickness grips and mine did feel narrow.
    Could it be the grips were throwing me off?
    So, being excessive compulsive anyway, I ordered VZ standard thickness with palm swells.
    First time to the range with these grips - The clouds parted, and the angels sang!

    It's still hard to believe just changing grip side panels could make such a difference.
    But paper doesn't lie, and I've been to the range many times since with repeatable results.

  7. #2727
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    Jax, Fla


    I’ve tries a wide variety of grips. Not palm swell, though, I didn’t know that was a thing. I don’t like VZ grips though, the texture just doesn’t feel right to me.

    I might have to buy the Citadel, shoot it till it’s broken in, and stash it in an ammo box with as much ammo as will fit. It’s a good apocalypse gun.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  8. #2728
    Join Date
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    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster09 View Post
    I have all my bases covered with Sig.....I have ALL the calibers

  9. #2729
    Join Date
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    I’m starting to feel better about my M&P 2.0 .45. I finally was able to cram all 10 rounds in the mags, and it’ll make a ragged hole with five of those rounds. I switched to the large backstrap and it feels more controllable while shooting. But being a plastic striker gun, it’s a soulless appliance. I was considering trading it away, but it does shoot pretty accurately. So yeah, I’m talking myself into buying a cheap 1911.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  10. #2730
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Floriduh


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I swore off of 1911s because I couldn’t shoot them well. But I found a Citadel 5” with good 3 dot sights, factory new, for $389. Citadel is a good Philippine brand. I don’t need it. I don’t want it. So why am I thinking about it?
    Had their 5” 9mm once. Got a deal as the guy did a bubba cerakote. As I’ve found with other bubba cerakote jobs, he gummed up the works. Once the offending areas were clearanced, it ran well, for what little bit I shot it. Also, I had read good reviews on it before I bought it because, at the time, I had never heard of Citadel before. I would have no qualms about buying another. $389 is a price that would suck me in.Like Barth said, ya gotta have at least 1 of them there 1911’s!
    That being said, I know some of the Tisas go for around that at times. Based on my good buddy dao’s experience and what many are saying on the 1911 boards, I personally would go to that brand. BUT, not sure about the availability of one with 3 dots at that price. Maybe dao can chime in.

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