I have such a list GS, stupid trade-ins and all. It doesn't make me feel any better about them. And I'm still out the money I lost on them.![]()
I have such a list GS, stupid trade-ins and all. It doesn't make me feel any better about them. And I'm still out the money I lost on them.![]()
Any form of entertainment or education has a cost related to it. We’re not filing for bankruptcy or starving, so my losses in trades and sales are just money spent on interesting experiences.
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911
In all of my years, I've only traded in to a dealer once. I understand keeping dealers in business, but we know what people get for their firearms on trade ins. Most of the time, they make more profit selling a used firearm than a new one. I've always gone the private route. Better deal/trades, and I can always go to the state gov't court site where I can see everything the trader/seller has been accused of, charged with, and convicted of. If they were not comfortable giving me info first, then showing ID, and signing a firearm sale/trade document, I didn't do the trade. Never had an issue and always got what I considered to be very fair trades/sales and got to own/shoot many firearms that I normally wouldn't have. Doing business this way, I've probably spent half or less of what I normally would have spent to experience all the firearms I've had the opportunity to experience.
Don’t think it is available quite yet.
Watch this site:
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
Doing my Sunday gun shop rounds today and lo and behold my 5 year quest for a T9 has come to fruition. By the the numbers it appears to be around 2003 birth date. It appears that the previous owner may have only put only 1 mag if that through it. May have never fired it. The slide lock lever was frozen to the shaft causing no lock back and the follower to jam on the side of the follower. At worst I’ll replace the slide lock if I can’t get it freer.
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911
I’m one of the few who’s limp wristed a steel 1911
I was testing holler points, and they all fed fine, then I shot a magazine one handed. I was getting lazy with my grip and the last round didn’t feed.
I shot a hundred rounds of FMJ today with perfect function, and used a rest at five yards. I’m pleased. So much so, that I have the urge to sell everything and just keep this.
I’m done with my silly M&P toy, though. That one will get sold.
Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911
Good shootin' there John
Well, I finally got my misbehaving CZ 75 Compact back from CZ Custom yesterday.
Went straight to the range and quickly ran through pre-loaded mags of 200 FMJs.
I'm happy to report that the "dead trigger / hammer failure to fall" issue appears to have been solved!![]()
The CZ Custom trigger job with their carry hammer is gunsmith measured at 4 lbs SA / 7 lbs DA.
As fate would have it, in my hands, I feel I actually shoot the $545 75 better than the $1150 Shadow.
And I'm actually all right with that ...![]()
Good job there John. Yes, an M&P just can't compare to a 1911 for plinking. Looks like you put more than a few through the same hole!
Congrats on the CZ Barth. It's always nice getting one running again and feeling like it's the "best bang for the buck"! 😁