Always hankered for a Python my own self, but always lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Coworker in an earlier life had one and the bluing on that thing looked like it was miles deep.
Wanted a Smith 686 too but so far that ain't happened neither, BUT...... it ain't over yet.
On the subject of new guns. Anybody know anything about Erma's. It looks like a Luger, toggle bolt. This one I seen was a 22. Looked up on auctions and some are going for 5 to 900 bucks. One in the shop I held was 399.
Kind of interesting and different, everybody knows I'm into different. Wondering mostly if that are decent shooters?
In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."