Well at least now .22 ammo is not hard to come by! They'll always remember their grandpa teaching them how to shoot, guaranteed!
Well at least now .22 ammo is not hard to come by! They'll always remember their grandpa teaching them how to shoot, guaranteed!
Wife just delivered the goods.
In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."
Cute little guy!
Is he looking for some ammo to go with it?
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
Looks like all my practice is finally starting to pay off
Target be dead.
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
I don't mind wear on my guns. But I don't like outright scratches, scrapes, or dings. So after marring up the slide on my P320 .45 in a poorly fitting kydex holster to the point where it stood out like a sore thumb on the factory nitron finish, I decided to sand the flats on the slide. Took awhile but finally got it to where the nitron is nearly invisible on the sanded flats. After doing it I decided I didn't like the looks of the gun with the FDE XTen full size grip module that I had purchased and cut about 3/4" off the dustcover to fit the Compact slide. So I went to the tube and found a vid on using synthetic dye to color polymer. In the vid he had a black grip that he dyed to a bluish color so I figured going from FDE to black should not be a problem. At first I was sure that the dye wasn't going to take. But the longer you move it around in the boiling solution the darker it becomes. The darkest tint Rit makes in their synthetic line is graphite. But this sure turned out blacker even than the factory black grip that came on it.
As a bonus to the Xten module, which is made specifically for Sig's 10mm P320 but handles the .45 mags just fine, is that because it is made for a full size gun it holds 10rd mags instead of the 9rd'ers that come stock with the Compact module. I'm happy with how everything turned out.
After the dye and water come to a rolling boil, turned the heat down to Med, place the grip in it and keep moving it around and flipping it over. When it gets to the desired hue, take it out and rinse it hot tap water, not cold. Then let it cool completely and wipe it down. No dye bleeds off once it's been rinsed. I also cleaned my with dish soap before dyeing it to make sure I got all the gun and hand oils off. I used just half a bottle of the dye to do two modules, and I've saved even that for other modules that I want to do.
I'm partial to leather myself. I only use kydex on Glock, some IWB for Kahrs, and a couple of Sigs, ie inexpensive carry pieces. I have a ballistic nylon holster for the Taurus TX22 I carry in the yard for coyotes. Most everything gets holstered in leather though, some of it custom made for me. Most never get holstered in kydex, unless I've lined it with leather first.
Back in 2005 or so (Jocko was there then) KelTec fans were really big into the Rit dye for the grip frames. KelTec even made available white grip frames for a lot of their models, just for the purpose. Folks were coloring them for their "school colors" and everything else. That was quite popular then ....
It's not gun control that we need, it's soul control!