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Thread: Galco Fletch style holster for CW45?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Default Galco Fletch style holster for CW45?

    I love my Galco Fletch for my K9. Specifically what Galco calls the "forward molded design" that angles the gun's handle inward compared to most pancake style holsters. Is there a holster maker that makes a similar design for the CW45?

    I don't want to force my CW45 into my K9 Fletch holster and reduce the fit of my K9. Do you think I should purchase a second K9 Fletch and try to form fit the CW45 into it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott321 View Post
    I love my Galco Fletch for my K9. Specifically what Galco calls the "forward molded design" that angles the gun's handle inward compared to most pancake style holsters. Is there a holster maker that makes a similar design for the CW45?

    I don't want to force my CW45 into my K9 Fletch holster and reduce the fit of my K9. Do you think I should purchase a second K9 Fletch and try to form fit the CW45 into it?
    Check out Azula 2 slot belt holster. Won't break the bank and may have enough cant. I purchased one and it's a good holster for the money.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by berettabone View Post
    Check out Azula 2 slot belt holster. Won't break the bank and may have enough cant. I purchased one and it's a good holster for the money.
    There are a lot of quality pancake holsters. However, its not the cant that I'm trying to replicate. It's the "forward molded design." The Fletch angles the handle towards the hip.

    Here's a pic from the Galco website, since it's hard to describe:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Guess I prefer the traditional. Don't want the firearm bowing out or the front sight rubbing on the holster.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott321 View Post
    I love my Galco Fletch for my K9. Specifically what Galco calls the "forward molded design" that angles the gun's handle inward compared to most pancake style holsters. Is there a holster maker that makes a similar design for the CW45?

    I don't want to force my CW45 into my K9 Fletch holster and reduce the fit of my K9. Do you think I should purchase a second K9 Fletch and try to form fit the CW45 into it?
    I would buy another one and work with it and keep the current holster that fits your K9 rather than messing it up so it doesn’t fit either pistol correctly……..I have several Galco holsters and they are top notch but if you can’t make something work for the CW45 check out American Leathersmith holsters out of Round Rock Texas, great folks that can fix you up at a good price…….I bought a pancake holster from them for my full size S&W M&P 9 and it fits like a glove and is my favorite OWB holster, easy on, easy off and super comfortable……Good luck, finding the right holster is hard and hit or miss sometimes which is why most of us have a big box full of stuff that we never use but the right one is out there…….

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