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Thread: Kahr trigger technique

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jeep45238 View Post
    It goes against much of what we're taught, but it works quite well for DA pulls.
    I dry fired for a good solid 5 minutes and I found myself occasionally reverting back to my old ways like in the video (45 degree pull on the left side if the trigger), so I will continue to practice, practice, practice. I also discovered that I can perform the same collapsed joint trigger pull against my left thumb to practice the technique much quicker than with the gun. I know how to shot, I just need to develop the correct muscle memory now.

    Thanks again. It was the epiphany I needed.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Upstate NY - (nothing like NYC). In remote country with thousands of acres of hunting.


    I recommend alot of dry fire practice, first getting used to staging the trigger "just to" the release point and getting used to where that point is. Secondly, find the place on your trigger finger where you don't pull left or right as a result of the mechanics of your squeeze direction. In other words, get the travel that finger perpendicular, not right or left. For me and because it is a DAO, this turns out to be at the distal edge of my first/distal joint that is closest to the end of the trigger finger. Not on the middle of the joint, but just to the far edge of that joint. For a right hander, too little pad or to far to the tip of the finger will cause you to pull left...; while too much pad or to far to the distal/first joint will cause you to pull right. I am sure you already realize that. I've found that a CTL helps alot for dry fire practice and dry fire practice is the key. Once you use one, you will see what I mean.

    Also good video. Training is everything. I will try the relaxed first joint method to see if it helps me. I'm always willing to learn something new and change. In theory it is very similar to what I was saying about the direction of trigger pull. Thanks for sharing jeep.
    My Sword - PM4044N/CTL/Talons
    - "One should diligently train at all times." Miyamoto Musashi
    - "Train in technique until it requires no thought - no mind and just happens." Takan Soho
    - "The truth beyond the technique....Here's where we stop thinking and start shooting." Brian Enos
    - "A single sword against the cold sky." Yamaoka Tesshu
    - "You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair."
    Taisen Deshimaru
    - "Know your sword!"

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Good video. That makes a big difference.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by jeep45238 View Post

    That video is spot on help -- thanks very much!
    Thanks, too, to everyone else for their comments!

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